Chapter 34

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Jon had to step outside of the arena to catch his breathe. He was so angry at Renee for deciding to reveal that he had a son. Jon started vomiting behind a bush. When he finished he wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth.

Jon to himself "This can't be happening! Not now! Not a month before I wanted to propose to Kaylee. Kay has been so patient and understanding with me, there is no way she is going to stay with me after this. Keep it together Jon. God! This is so typical of Renee to fuck things up right when they get good for me!"

Jon walked back into the arena looking for Renee.


Renee "There you are!"

Jon "Renee, what the fuck?!"

Renee covering the baby's ears "Language."

Jon "Why now? Why didnt you tell me as soon as you found out you were pregnant?"

Renee "The last time I saw you, you made it clear  to stay away from you. I was afraid."

Jon "How do I know that he's really mine?"

Renee "Look at him! He has your beautiful blue eyes, you're curly hair. Ive seen your baby pictures."

Jon "I want a paternity test."

Renee "We can do that if you like but I mean, Jon, look at him. He's yours."

Jon wasn't sure what to believe. Normally he wouldn't believe a word that comes out of Renee's mouth but Kaylee was so sure its his baby.


At the same time that Jon and Renee were talking, Tori found Kaylee crying behind a production box. Kaylee told Tori about what just happened.

Tori hugging Kaylee "I'm so sorry Kaylee. I know it sucks but Jon loves you. I think you need to check on Jon because I bet he feels like shit. Let's go find him."

Kaylee "What if he's talking to her?"

Tori "Then we'll stand right there. If that kid is going to be part of Jon's life then she better expect you to be part of the kid's life as well."

Kaylee and Tori were looking for Jon. They saw Jon and Renee talking. Renee was carrying the baby. Kaylee and Tori watched as Jon slowly reached his out to touch the baby's hand. Jon's face lit up as the baby held onto Jon's finger. Tears began to roll down his face as his son looked into his eyes. Kaylee was torn up inside by seeing how happy Jon was. She was glad that Jon instantly loved his son because Jon never wanted kid. But heartbroken because it wasn't her son he was carrying.

Kaylee to Tori "I can't do this, I have to go."

Tori to herself "This bitch better not try anything! I dont want to have to kick her ass in front of her kid! Tori continued to watch Renee, Jon and their son.


Renee to Jon "Do you want to hold him?"

Jon with a smile "Yeah."

Renee handing the baby off to Jon "Go with daddy."

Jon never thought he would ever enjoy hearing those words.

Jon hugging his son "Hey are so cute.....I'm not going anywhere, daddy is not going anywhere."

Renee stood there with a grin on her face.

Jon to Renee "So how are we going to do this?"

Renee "Well Steph said I can have him on the road with me. I think its the perfect opportunity for you to spend time with him. I'm going to need help with buying stuff for him."

Jon "Done! Kay and I can take him on the weekends and......"

Renee cutting off Jon "I dont know about that."

Jon "I'm going to eventually marry Kaylee. She is going to be in my life no matter what and part of my son's life. If you dont like it then I guess we'll just have to settle this in court."

Renee "Fine! But if she screws up once, I will make sure you never see him again."

Jon "You know Kaylee, she would never do anything to harm him. I trust her the most out of everyone."

Renee "How about the 3 of us go to dinner?"

Jon "We can do that."

Renee smiling "Great! See you later.



Jon walked into Kaylee and Tori's room. Kaylee was curled up in bed.

Jon got in bed with Kaylee, he pulled her in close and cuddled with her. He kissed her on the forehead and said "I love you."

Kaylee began to cry, Jon pulled her in tightly

Kaylee "God is punishing me."

Jon "Why would God be punishing you?"

Kaylee holding onto her necklace "For sleeping with Nick. The first time I got pregnant was suppose to be with your baby. The first son you were suppose to have was suppose to come from me."

Jon "We are still going to have a family together."

Kaylee "It's not going to be the same. You and I will never be the same from now on."

Jon "Don't say that! Nothing will change!"

Kaylee "Everything will change Jon! He is your priority. I would never ask you to choose me over your son."

Jon "Are you saying you dont want to be with me because I have a son?"

Kaylee "I just want to be left alone right now if thats okay."

Jon "Kaylee I need to know! This doesnt have to change anything."

Kaylee buried her head in her pillow as she cried. Jon just stayed next to her for the next few hours as she cried. Neither of them said anything to each other. Once again, their relationship seemed to be on the rocks.

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