Chapter 51

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"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious?" Kaylee can hear Jon softly singing to Paisley as she passed by their newborn's nursery.

Kaylee stood in the doorway of the nursery watching Jon and Paisley.

Jon to Paisley "I love you so much my princess! I dont what I did to deserve your mom. If she didnt take a chance on me, you wouldn't be here. I will always love your mom for giving me the greatest gift I've ever"

Kaylee knocked on the door "May I come in?"

Jon "I dont know Pais, what do you think?

Paisley smiled at Jon

Jon "She said you can come in."

Kaylee sitting next to Jon "We're gonna miss you when you go back on the road."

Jon "Thats why I'm trying to soak in my girls before I leave."



Kaylee and Paisley were both doing well. Jon was getting ready to head back on the road. So mom and baby can get better, Jon and Kaylee both decided to wait for anyone to visit.

The new parents had visitors coming in almost everyday. It was a bit overwhelming but they were grateful for all the love and support they have received

The door bell rang

Kaylee opening the door "Colby!"

Colby hugging Kaylee "Congratulations."

Kaylee "Thank you. Come in."

Colby handing Kaylee flowers and a gift "These are for you and this is for the baby."

"Thank you Colby, thats so sweet of you." Kaylee said accepting the gifts

Colby "So where is she? I want to see baby Mox."

Kaylee "She's over here."

Colby gushing over Paisley "She is gorgeous Kay! She looks just like you."

Kaylee "Aren't you just the sweetest today?"

Colby "I'm serious Kay, she is so gorgeous."

Kaylee "Thank you."

Colby "Where's Jon?"

Kaylee "He should be getting out of the shower any minute now."

Colby "How's everything going?"

Kaylee "Everything is great."

Colby "Didnt I tell you not to sweat it? I think once you took the pressure off of yourself, you were able to create this little gem."

Kaylee "You did."

Colby "Can I hold her?"

Kaylee picked up Paisley and handed her to Colby

"These flowers are beautiful Colby." Kaylee said smelling the flowers Colby brought her

Colby "I thought you'd like them. I remembered that you liked sunflowers."

Kaylee "Good memory."

"You better not drop my daughter. I've seen you play football butterfingers." Jon jokingly said to Colby

Colby "That's why Im sitting down with her."

Kaylee "Jon, look at these flowers Colby brought for me."

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