Chapter 11

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Nick left Kaylee's room early to go workout with some of the guys. Kaylee was still on a high from her experience with Nick. She couldn't help but smile and bite her lip every time she thought about it.

There was a knock on the door

Kaylee answering the door "Hey Jon, whats up?"

Jon "Can I use your laptop?Joe's is not working and I need to send some email."

Kaylee "Of course, come on in."

Jon "Thanks, sorry I dont have a laptop. I hate technology."

Kaylee "Yeah no worries. Do you need help with anything?"

Jon "I think I got it but thanks"

Kaylee "I'm gonna shower, let me know if you need anything."

Jon "Okay."

While Jon was on Kaylee's laptop he can hear her singing along to the radio in the shower. He was enjoying listening to her sing.

Kaylee walks out of the shower

Jon "You're singing is not bad."

Kaylee "Oh my God, you were able to hear me? I'm so embarrassed."

Jon "And you have the most random taste in music. For some reason I didnt expect a good Christian girl to have heavy metal or gangster rap on her playlist."

Kaylee "I listen to everything. And what exactly is a good Christian girl suppose to listen to anyway?"

Jon "I have no clue, but I know not that."

Kaylee rolled her eyes at him

Jon "Are you going to come with us to breakfast?"

Kaylee "Yeah, I'm almost done so I can meet you down there."

Jon "I can wait for you, if thats okay."

Kaylee "okay."

Kaylee finished getting ready. As they waited for the elevator Jon kept looking at Kaylee, and she noticed

Kaylee "What?"

Jon ""

Kaylee "I what?"

Jon "You just look and seem different thats all?"

Kaylee "What's wrong with the way I look?"

Jon "Nothing, theres just something that seems different about you thats all but I dont know what it is?"

Kaylee started to think to herself "Maybe its true what they say about that after sex glow."

Kaylee playing with her cross necklace "Now you're making me feel insecure about the way I look. I didnt do anything differently."

Jon "I shouldn't have said anything."

Kaylee "Well I dont want to look stupid."

Jon "You dont, you look pretty."

Kaylee "I'm going to go back to the room."

Jon "You're getting worked up for nothing, I promise you look fine."



Jon "Did Kaylee seem different to you today?"

Joe "Kind of"

Jon "I told her that and she got upset."

Joe "That's weird."

Jon "Right? I cant figure out what it is?"

Joe joking "Maybe she had sex last night."

Jon "Dude dont joke about her like that."

Joe "Damn bro, you got it bad for her dont you?"

Jon "What? No. She's my friend and you should respect her."

Joe "Did I just hear the titty master say that I should respect a woman?"

Jon "Don't be an asshole."

Joe "You're telling me you're not attracted to her at all?"

Jon "I mean she's beautiful, smart, funny and weird which is actually kind of cute."

Joe "So you're attracted to her?"

Jon "That doesnt mean I'm attracted to her."

Joe "Then just say I'm not attracted to her."

Jon "Fine....I'm not attracted to her."

Joe "You're a damn liar. Even you didnt believe what you just said."

Jon getting mad "I dont need your crap right now."

Joe laughing "Why are you getting mad bro?"

Jon "It just pisses me off because I'm telling you I'm not attracted to her and you keep pushing it."

Joe "Alright I'm sorry man. I didnt know this was such a touchy subject."

Jon "Thank you"

Joe saying quietly "Even though you're attracted to her."

Jon getting off the treadmill "Fuck you Joe."

Joe laughing "I'm sorry.......Jon come back"

Kaylee walked in

Kaylee to Joe "What's wrong with Jon?"

Joe "I was just making fun of him."

Kaylee "What did you say?"

Joe "Nothing......whats up?"

Kaylee "I just wanted to tell you I'm gonna ride with Matt and Nick tomorrow."

Joe "That's cool."

Kaylee "I thought I'd give you and Jon a break , I'm sure you're sick of me."

Joe "Actually you've made the past few months kind of fun. Its nice to have a girl with us. There's too much testosterone with just the two of us."

Kaylee "It's a good thing that I'm a girl then and not because you like my company."

Joe "You know we love hanging out with you."

Kaylee smiling "Sure"

Joe "I'm serious."

Kaylee "I'm just teasing.......Well I hope you're telling the truth because I will be back with you guys in a few days."

Joe "Not going to lie, I'm going to miss you and your shitty music."

Kaylee "You know you love my boy band playlist."

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