Chapter 10

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It had been three weeks since Payback. A bunch of wwe superstars made their way to a bar to enjoy their night off.

Nick "Why dont we get out of here?"

Kaylee "We just got here, we can't leave right now."

Nick "How about you tell the guys you're not feeling well, that way we can leave together and I can just say I'm tired and will make sure you get back to the hotel safely."

Kaylee "Okay, I like that."

Kaylee mostly hung out with Jon and Joe that was until Jon was approached by two girls.

Joe "I bet you $100 he's going to sleep with both of them."

Kaylee " you really think he'll do that?"

Joe "He's done it before."

Kaylee "I didnt know people actually have threesomes."

Joe "Clearly you dont know my friend Jon there."

Kaylee "That's so gross."

Joe "Personally I dont think I would ever be able to do that, even in my single days."

Kaylee "Looks like Jon's type is skank. But I already knew that when he was with Renee."

Joe laughed

Kaylee "I feel bad for Jon, I know he thinks he's living this awesome single life where he can bang anything that walks but at the end of the day he's alone. I hope he finds a decent girl but he has to make some changes as well."

Joe "I wish that every single day, that someone incredible would come along and show him what it is to love."

Kaylee "I think I'm gonna head back, I'm not feeling well."

Joe "You want me to go with you?"

Kaylee "No its okay, you should stay with Jon, he's had a lot to drink tonight. Plus I think I heard Nick say he was tired and was going to leave early so I'll just catch a cab with him."

Joe "Okay, call me if you need anything."

Kaylee "Thanks."

Kaylee and Nick left the bar together



Kaylee was looking for Joe. He wasn't answering his phone and neither was Jon. She decided to go to the guy's  room to see if Joe was there. When she got to the room she saw the door was slightly opened. She gently knocked on the door and opened it.

Kaylee "Hello? Joe?"

Once she entered the room she saw Jon on the bed with the two girls from the bar, they were all naked

Kaylee "Oh shit!"

Her voice woke up Jon

Jon covering himself "Kaylee! What are you doing in here?"

Kaylee looking away "I'm so sorry, I was looking for Joe."

Jon "I think he slept in Matt's room."

Kaylee trying to leave the room quickly "Okay, thank you and sorry to intrude."

Kaylee left the room. Jon looked at the two naked sleeping girls with his hands on his head

Jon "Fuck!"


Kaylee, Joe and Matt were downstairs eating lunch.

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