Chapter 6

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Jon, Kaylee and Joe were sitting down eating dinner.

Jon "How do you like being on the road?"

Kaylee "I Love it! I've always wanted to travel and this has been the perfect opportunity to do it!"

Jon "Making friends?"

Kaylee "Yeah. Its kind of crazy how close you get to people you just met. I feel like I've known Joe for years now."

Jon "I know what you mean. Thats how it felt with Joe."

Joe "And Colby."

Kaylee "Whats the deal with you guys anyway?"

Jon "Nothing, I thought we were brothers, I was wrong."

Kaylee "Come on Jon, I'm sure he cares about you. If you just give him a chance."

Jon "He went behind our back and didnt even have the balls to tell us."

Joe "I'm gonna go to the restroom, I've heard this story one too many times."

Jon to Kaylee "I dont understand how he can be okay with Colby, it pisses me off!"

Kaylee "You take your relationships seriously huh?"

Jon "Yes"

Kaylee "So do I. I'd probably be pissed too."

Jon "Thank You! Finally someone who agrees with me."

Kaylee "That doesnt mean I would react the same way."

Kayle and Jon laughed

Jon "How does your boyfriend feel about you being out on the road?"

Kaylee "Don't have a boyfriend."

Jon "Dating on the road is rough unless you're dating someone in the company. Although sometimes that can be difficult as well."

Kaylee "I haven't seen Renee in a while."

Jon "They have her doing stuff for NXT, and some other shows. She's in New York right now but she should be back for raw."

Jon noticed Kaylee touching her necklace a lot

Joe returning to the table "What are we talking about? I hope not Colby."

Kaylee "We're talking about being in a relationship on the road."

Joe "It's hard especially with a family."

Jon "Thats why I dont want to get married."

Kaylee "You dont want to get married? Ever?"

Jon "Nope, I think its ridiculous. Its a trap!"

Kaylee "Maybe.... For me, its about being with that one person you can't imagine your life without. Someone you want to experience life with, the good and bad parts of it. Hell even the boring parts of life. What good is life with no one to share it with? Someone to make you a better person and show you new things. And most of all having someone who loves you just as much as you love them? That doesnt sound wonderful to you?"

Jon thought to himself "It does sound wonderful."

Joe "Yeah Jon, not everything is about sex."

Jon "You're telling me sex is not an important part of it for you two?"

Kaylee "For me its not?"

Jon "You're telling me, If the sex is shitty, you'll still marry the guy?"

Kaylee "I'm saying that sex will come later in the relationship."

Jon "What do you mean later?"

Kaylee "After we're married."

Jon "Hold on! You're waiting until you're married to have sex?"

Kaylee "Yes."

Jon "Again, what if the sex is shitty?"

Kaylee "We'd be married, we will be able to explore each other until we get it right."

Jon "I see its because you're a Christian right? I saw the cross necklace you're wearing."

Kaylee "My religion has nothing to do with it actually. Its a decision I made along time ago."

Jon "You dont ever get tempted?"

Kaylee "Oh course I do, I'm not super human. I just remember what I want and its easy to step back from that situation. What excites me is knowing that my husband would be the only one to ever be with me. I think thats a pretty cool gift to give him on our wedding day."

Jon "Wow"

Kaylee "And if a guy can't understand or respect that, then kick rocks."

Jon "Good for you, I think its pretty cool."

Joe laughing "Really? You mister titty master."

Jon "Yes Joe! I respect that. I can't imagine doing that myself but God Bless the guy you end up with for waiting."

"Its going to be worth the wait." Kaylee said winking at Jon.

Joe got up again to go to the restroom. Jon and Kaylee continued talking. They discussed how Kaylee said she won't kiss a guy unless he was her boyfriend. She felt like a hypocrite saying that to Jon because she already broke that rule with Nick.

Joe returned and said he wasn't feeling well.

Kaylee "I'll call a cab that way you can get back to your hotel and rest."

Joe "Don't be ridiculous. Jon will drop me off at the hotel and then take you to your hotel. Is that alright Jon?"

Jon "Yeah of course."

Kaylee "I feel so bad that you have to go out of your way to take me back."

Jon "Its not a problem."

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