Chapter 33

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It was Dean Ambrose vs Daniel Bryan for the intercontinental championship. Dean was getting ready to pin Daniel when Seth Rollins came out, hit Dean Ambrose in the head with the belt, causing Daniel Bryan to keep his title. Stephanie came out and announced that at Summer Slam it was going to be Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins for the wwe championship.


Kaylee running up to Jon and hugging him "Babe! Another chance at the title, I'm so excited for you."

Jon "I didnt think I was going to get another shot so soon."

Colby interrupting "Congratulations Jon for getting the opportunity to go up against the greatest. You know there is no chance you're getting this title from me right?"

Jon "We'll see about that. Enjoy it while you can because once I win it, you will never see it again."

Colby to Kaylee "It's not too late to date a champ again."

Kaylee "Colby stop."

Jon "Yeah Colby, you better stop before I kick your ass right now."

Colby laughed and walked away

Jon to Kaylee "Do you see what I'm talking about, he's a dick."

Kaylee "He was just messing with you. Don't let him get in your head, you got this."

Jon "I'm going to train like hell for the next three weeks."

Kaylee kissing Jon on the lips "Thats my baby!"

Jon "I'm gonna shower."

Kaylee slapping Jon on the butt "You take that shower."

Jon shaking his head laughing.



Tori and Joe were talking when they saw a crowd forming.

Joe "Oh Fuck!"

Tori trying to look "What?"

Joe "Its Renee Young."

Tori "Renee Young?"

Joe "Jon's ex."

Tori to herself "Renee Young......Young......Young."

Tori to Joe "Young?! The ex that everyone's been talking about?"

Joe "Yup! I'm surprised she's here considering she got fired for hitting your cousin."

Tori mad "She did what?!"

Joe told Tori what happened between Jon and Renee. And the fight Kaylee and Renee had.

Tori "Then what the fuck is she doing here?"

Joe "No idea, but Jon and Kaylee are not going to like this."

Renee running up to Joe "Ugh I've missed you."

Joe "Hey Renee."

Renee "How have you been? How's your wife and sweet little Jasmine?"

Joe "ummmmm"

Tori saving Joe "If you'll excuse us we have somewhere to be."

Renee to Joe "Lets catch up later."

Tori as they were walking away "Bitch!.............We need to find Kay and warn her."


Tori was searching the entire arena for Kaylee. She finally found her

Tori running up to Kaylee "We need to talk."

Kaily "Okay, whats up?"

Right when Tori was about to tell Kaylee about Renee Stephanie said "Kaylee can I speak to you in my office please?"

Kaylee to Tori "I'll be right back."


Steph "I'm not sure if you've heard that Renee Young is here."

Kaylee "What?! I thought she wasn't allowed back."

Steph "She wasn't but she called me up and asked for her job back. Under any other circumstances I would have told her no but she really needs the money."

Kaylee "What could that bitch possibly need money for?"

Steph hesitating to tell Kaylee "She...............has a kid."

Kaylee with a gut wrenching pain in her stomach "A kid?"

Steph "Yes.......a little boy........he's two and a half years old."

Kaylee's eyes starting to tear up "Two and a half?"

Steph feeling awful "yes"

Kaylee as tears roll down her cheek covering her mouth "Oh my God."

Kaylee not wanting to believe it "You sure the kid is two and a half?"

Steph nodding yes "I'm so sorry."

Kaylee "Does Jon know?"

Steph "No, she was gonna tell him today. I'm only telling you so you won't feel like you've been blindsided or betrayed. I can't have anymore drama here Kaylee."

Kaylee nodding her head and walked out of the office.

Kaylee walked around trying to compose herself. She sat on a production box when Jon walked up to her.

Jon "Hey I've been looking for you." Jon noticing that Kaylee's been crying "Babe, whats wrong?"

Kaylee trying to hide that she's been crying "ummmmmm."

Jon looking into Kaylee's eyes "Kaylee, what is wrong? Are you okay?"

Kaylee taking a deep breath "Renee is back"

Jon confused "Why?.......Is that why you're crying? Babe you dont have to worry about anything, I want nothing to do with her."

Kaleey "You need to find her and talk to her."

Jon "What? Why?"

Kaylee holding back tears "She has a son."

Jon "So? What does that have to do with me?"

Kaylee "He's two and a half years old."

Jon realizing what that meant "Oh"

Kaylee crying "yup."

Jon "Are you sure? How do you know?"

Kaylee "Steph told me. She called me into her office to tell me that Renee called her and asked for job back so she can support her kid."

Jon with his hands on his head "No, theres no way. This has to be a mistake."

Kaylee "We both know its not."

Jon starting to cry looks at Kaylee "I'm so sorry Kay, I'm so sorry."

Jon gets closer to try to hug Kaylee. Kaylee pushes him away, gets up and says "You should go talk to her now."

Jon "No, we need to talk about this."

Kaylee "Jon! Go talk to her."

Jon "But......"

Kaylee "Jon! You have a son now, you need to go talk to her and take responsibility for what you've done."

Jon "What about you? I need to know you'll be okay."

Kaylee "Don't worry about me, right now he is your priority."

Kaylee walked away

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