Chapter 2

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Jonathan Good also known as Dean Ambrose had been dating Renee young for 2 years. Although he wasn't  faithful to Renee in the first year and a half of their relationship, she was the first girl he "loved." He blames his unfaithfulness on his tough upbringing. Growing up he never felt loved by anyone especially his parents. Never had anyone guide him. He learned that he can only depend on himself. Girls were always an object to him. He only wanted one thing from them and once he got it, he was done with that girl. Jon did develop a softer side once he became friends with Joe aka Roman Reigns. Joe was not only Jon's best friend, they considered each other as brothers.

Jon finally felt like he was in a good place in his life and has not cheated on Renee in almost a year.


Renee getting dressed "Jon wake up, we're going to be late."

Jon "Give me fifteen more minutes."

Renee "I gave you fifteen more minutes twenty minutes ago."

Jon angry "Fuck!"

Renee "Maybe you shouldn't party so hard the day before show."



Kaylee was excited, she was at her first wwe live event as Stephanie's assistant. Stephanie was giving Kaylee a tour of the arena, telling her everything she needs to know about working there.

Kaylee was trying to contain her excitement as she passed by her favorite wwe superstars. As Kaylee was walking she saw her favorite superstar, Dean Ambrose.

Kaylee looked at Dean and smiled. Dean was walking with Renee and holding her hand when he saw Kaylee smile at him, he had no idea who she was but he smiled back. He thought Kaylee was beautiful but quickly put that out of his mind because he wanted to stay faithful to Renee. He felt he owed it to Renee to be faithful to her since she seemed to put up with his bullshit.


Kaylee was busy all morning and had a break for lunch. She walked over to catering, got some food and sat at a table by herself. As she sat down she watched Dean and Renee walk away. She couldn't get over how cute Dean was in person but knew he had a girlfriend. Just then Nick came and sat next to Kaylee

Nick "How's your first day going?"

Kaylee "Really well, thank you for asking."

Nick "Have you made any new friends?"

Kaylee "No, I've actually been in Steph's office the entire time."

Nick "Then I think its time I introduce you to some people."

Nick "Hey Nattie, can you come here for a sec?"

Nattie "What's up?"

Nick introduced Nattie to Kaylee.

Kaylee and Nattie talked for a bit. They realized they had a lot in common.

Nattie getting up from the table "It was nice meeting you Kaylee, and welcome to the wwe family."

Kaylee "Thank you Nattie, I appreciate that."

Nick to Kaylee "I knew you would like Nattie."

Kaylee "Thank you Nick, that was really sweet of you."

Nick "It was no problem........I was thinking maybe can grab some food after the show, would you be interested?"

Kaylee smiling "Maybe."

Nick "Maybe? Come on, I just helped you make a friend."

Kaylee laughing "Yes, I'll grab some food with you after the show."

Nick "Awesome, I'll see you later beautiful."

As much as she liked the attention Nick was giving her, Kaylee did feel a little uncomfortable when Nick would call her beautiful especially at work.


Kaylee had finished her work and was standing backstage watching the Dean Ambrose match. Dean fell off the ladder hurt himself, he had to be helped out by a medic.

Kayla saw Dean and the medic as they came through the curtain, she hoped he was okay.

Nick's match was up next. As Kaylee was standing there she felt someone walk up behind her and say in her ear "Hey beautiful, watch me as I kick some ass." She turned to see it was Nick

She thought Nick was really sexy and sweet but felt his flirting was a bit inappropriate, at least for work.

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