Chapter 45

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It was a month before Kaylee and Jon's wedding. Kaylee was out running errands while Jon stayed home and packed for his next trip.

Jon was checking what he thought was his joint email account that he had with Kaylee. He saw there was a confirmation email for a plane ticket from Cincinnati to Los Angeles. He found Kaylee's receipt from her trip to Ohio. He felt betrayed that Kaylee would go visit his mom when he asked her not to invite his mom.

Kaylee walking in living room "Babe, you won't believe what happened to me at the grocery store."

Jon stared at Kaylee

Kaylee "Jon?"

Jon "I was thinking maybe we should visit my mom."

Kaylee "Really?"

Jon "Yeah I figure, why not give it another shot. I mean she is my mother, she should be there right?"

Kaylee "If thats what you want to do, you know I'll support you 100 percent and stand by your side."

Jon "Or maybe you can go by yourself to invite her seeing as you've already invited her."

Kaylee "Jon, I......"

Jon "Why? Why did you waste your time going to her house? Why did you waste your money on a plane ticket?"

Kaylee "I thought she'd change her mind."

Jon raising his voice "And did she? DID SHE?"

Kaylee with her head down "No."

Jon "What? I can't hear you!"

Kaylee getting angry at the way Jon was speaking to her "NO! No Jon she did not change her mind."

Jon "Did you really think I wasn't going to find out?"

Kaylee "I'm sorry Jon! I'm sorry that I was looking out for you?"

Jon "Looking out for me? Are you fucking kidding me right now Kaylee?"

Kaylee "Don't you cuss at me Jon!"

Jon "Oh, did I hurt sweet Kaylee's feelings? I'm starting to think this might not be a great idea."

Kaylee "Getting married?"

Jon "Yeah, maybe its best if we wait."

Kaylee "You want to call off our wedding because I tried to get your mom to come to our wedding?"

Jon "I'm saying maybe we should wait. I feel so betrayed by you right now."

Kaylee "If thats what you want Jon, then fine, we can call off the wedding."

Kaylee slammed the door as she left the house

Jon with his hands on his head "What the fuck is wrong with me?!" He grabbed a lamp and threw it at the wall as he yelled


Kaylee drove to an empty parking lot in tears. She called Joe to tell him what happened

Kaylee "Joe?"

Joe "Kay? What's going on?"

Kaylee "Jon wants to postpone the wedding because I flew to Ohio to invite Pam."

Joe "Shit Kay....."

Kaylee "You think what I did was wrong? I was just trying to help him."

Joe "I know you were and I know you had good intentions. Jon just hates getting his hopes up when it comes to his family. Now that you're going to be his family he feels like it should only be you two. He doesnt even acknowledge his family anymore."

Kaylee "I'm such an asshole."

Joe "You're not. I'll talk to him."

Kaylee "Thank you Joe."


When Kaylee got home later that night she saw Jon was sleeping in their room. She decided to sleep on the couch to let things cool off between the two


Jon "Why didnt come to bed last night?"

Kaylee "I thought it would be best if we spent the night apart since you know, you dont want to marry me."

Jon "I didnt say I didnt want to marry you, I said we should wait."

Kaylee "Same thing."

Jon "It's not. Why are so you damn stubborn?"

Kaylee "I think I'm gonna head back to L.A. today, give you some space."

Jon "You dont have to do that."

Kaylee "Yes I do."

Jon "Things get tough and you're going to leave me? Typical! You'll be doing what everyone in my life has done to me."

Kaylee "Before we were even together Jon, I loved you and looked out for you so please dont say I'm abandoning you."

Jon "I didnt mean what I said about waiting to get married. I was just being a dick."

Kaylee "You can say that again."

Jon sat down next to Kaylee. He held her hand and looked in her eyes "I know you were just trying to help, but when it comes to Pam, there is no point in helping. I just want it to be you and I, thats it."

Kaylee "Well I dont know if I can forgive you for the way you talked to me. Thats the second time within a short period of time you raised your voice at me. I will not accept that."

Jon "I agree with you and I am so sorry I talked to you that way. Its inexcusable and should never happen regardless of how I'm feeling."

Kaylee "You drive me crazy Jonathan Good!"

Jon "I'm know and I love you for loving my crazy ass!"

They both laughed

Jon "I love you"

Kaylee "I love you too."

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