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Turning on my side I groan holding my belly

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Turning on my side I groan holding my belly. These sharp cramps hit me soon as I woke up. He's moving around a lot to. I'm close to my due date so this all makes sense. Chris woke up from me crying instant going into his protective mode. Jumping out of bed getting me water and a warm towel to put on my stomach.

"Mommy is the baby ok?" Mona asked with her hand on my stomach.

"Yes he's just about to come out that all pumpkin." I groan again taking a breath. "Are you excited about him coming?"

"Yes I like babies."

Chris came in with my tea. "Drink this while it's still warm. What you want for breakfast?" He kissed my head brushing back my hair.

"Just some mangos, strawberries and honey butter toast."

"Ok baby. Rebecca and Isabel are on their way." He smiled kissing my lips. "Take care of mommy while I'm gone lil bit."

"But I wanna go with you daddy." She pouts.

"Chris let her go both Rebecca and Isabel have keys so they can get in if your not back by the time they get here." I sat against the headboard.

I flipped through different channels looking for something to keep my mind off the slight pain. It wasn't long before the girls were running up to my room throwing questions left and right.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Isabel waved her fingers in my face.

"Bitch I'm not blind what the hell you doing?"

"I don't know." She shrugged sitting back on my bed.

Rebecca put Elias on the bed and he came babbling crawling right up to me. "Hey baby boy. You getting big."

"Isn't he? Me and Carlton are looking for a babysitter since I just got a new job!"

Me and Isabel laugh giving her an applause. "That's great becca now tell where so we can constantly come embarrass you?"

"Oh haha I'm gonna be a personal shopper at the outlet mall. Basically I get a call from lazy rich people who don't have time to shop for events or whatever. I get a little office in the information part of the mall." She smiled.

"That's like your dream job how you get that and so fast?"

"My moms yoga instructor sister daughter husband owns the place."

"Sssss damn it boy." I groan holding my stomach.

"It's almost time baby girl." Bel smiled rubbing my stomach. "Have you guys thought of names?"

"Well we had a bet on who gets to name him and because we're having a boy Chris gets to name him. You already know he was throwing these terrible names left and right soon as we left the doctor."

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