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Alright Cam has been gone about three weeks

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Alright Cam has been gone about three weeks. I've been doing pretty good on my own with the kids. Well I'm not completely on my own which is more than a great thing. Yesterday I forgot the girls only had half a day at school because of a dentist appointment. I was in a meeting and it just smacked me in the face so I got my mom to pick them up and meet me at the dentist.

Both the girls cried so I had to sit with them. It was a tiring day after that. They were hyped up and wouldn't go to sleep until ten. I know that not all that late but their bed time is seven. Maurice decided to be an ass and stay up until one.

I am thanking every god out there that it's Saturday not only that but I get to see my baby momma tonight. She has a show in New York before going on a little break so I'm taking the kids to surprise her. Everyone else to coming to so I think this will be nice. I have another surprise for her.

"Chris!" Rebecca yelled coming in. "Hurry up I'm hungry!"

"Don't rush me woman!" I yelled back putting Maurice hoodie on. He was still sleep so it wasn't that easy. "Girls let's go!"

"Daddy can you make up on me like mommy wears?" Mona came in with a bunch of tubes in her hands.

"What no you can't wear make up put that back on mommy side."

"But I wanna wear it." She whined pouting.

"For what Mona your five." I pack the rest of Maurice stuff.

"Because I wanna look beautiful for mommy."

Oh god. Setting stuff aside I pick her up kissing her cheek. "You don't need make up to make you beautiful. You see how good mommy and daddy came from us there's no way in hell you'll ever not be beautiful."

"But why does mommy wear it?"

"Uh to....enhance or make her beauty even greater. See but your to young for that just wait until your a lot older before you start wearing any of that. You are a very beautiful angel without anything added." I kiss her nose. "Ok we good on this right?"

"Yes I can't wait to see mommy!" She jumped out my arms.

I got all our things out to the truck. Carlton and Rebecca were here with Elias and baby two, max Julian and Isabel were here with their baby two and Alex was gonna meet us at the hotel with Stacey and Arthur.

I'm happy for them with their babies it's just seeing how fast their stomachs are growing kind of makes me wonder how it would all be if we never lost ours. Loosing a child isn't something you get over in just a few weeks. I think the fact we didn't know she was carrying.

After everyone was in their cars we got breakfast from chick fil a then heading to my plane. Her parents and my mom were already here.

"So how's this all gonna play out. I'm so excited." Her mom smiled hugging me.

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