A surprise(39)

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"This kitchen comes with everything plus some it's nice and roomy so your employees won't be fighting for arm space

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"This kitchen comes with everything plus some it's nice and roomy so your employees won't be fighting for arm space. This window here can either stand and be used to show people why they should already be inside or put a curtain here whatever you want." The realtor shows me around this abandon building. "Out here I see being the dining area made to be whatever you like."

Nodding I stand picturing everything. "This could work but I'm not just gonna lock down on this one just yet. If the others aren't as good as this one...ill take it."

"Ok I will say it goes over just $500 over your budget." She gave a sorry look.

"That's fine."

I'm making my final career wise dream come true. Having my own restaurant. It's not gonna be some uppity place where you have to where a suit and shit. It'll be laid back family environment for all to enjoy. Good wholesome food with all around fresh ingredients. I've been planning this for a while and was finally able to start looking at places.

I took off today for this to so you know it's important. I never take off work unless it's major. One of my mentors has been helping me along the way to make sure I do everything right no petty shit goes down.

"Thank you really for helping me out with finding a place. Everything you've shown me so far has been great." I tell her shaking her hand with a firm grip.

"It's my job. You have my number so just call if you have questions or want to schedule time for seeing the other buildings."

We went to our separate cars. As I'm starting up my car rings with my baby picture coming up. "What's good ma?"

"Hey I'm heading to my place from the mall. I got a nice dress for tonight and I got you this super sexy suit."

"Cool cool I can't wait to see both the clothes and you." I pull out the parking out driving on. "How was that while meeting thing with ole dude?"

"It was weird. He was just telling me he's not getting married but is getting joint custody of his daughter."

"What made it weird?" I lite up one of the blunt I keep in my car.

"He just sorta threw himself at me. It was sooooo awkward after I shut it all the way down so I left."

"I knew that nigga would try something. I should beat his ass when I see him." I grip the wheel but loosen up hearing her little giggle.

"Not needed baby I handled it. You just be at my place by the time I get there I wanna be at this dinner on time."

"Ight babe Im'ma be waiting for you naked as the day I was born." She laughed again making me bite my lip. "Damn I love that laugh."

"Mmmhm bye!"

We hang up and I start blasting my speakers. Getting to her place I see that nigga sitting on her stairs. A few more puffs of this blunt and some relaxing breathes later I get out my car. "Julian need something my man?"

The Trilogy [completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin