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Stepping the bridal shop we all went straight to the white dresses

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Stepping the bridal shop we all went straight to the white dresses. Today is all about cam and Chris wedding. She has her colors as white and cream since its in the summer time. Me and all the ladies including Mona came out today to get at lease ideas on our dresses.

"Hello welcome to Perfect Day would any of you like some champagne while looking around?" The lady in front asked holding a tray of flutes.

"Ooo mommy can I have some soda?"

"That's not for kids pumpkin do you have any water or juice?" Cam grabbed a glass.

"Yes I'll be right back and you all can look around all you like." She happily walked off.

Making sure she was gone I sneak over to Mona. "Take a sip quick."

Giggling she did making a face. "Ew nasty."

"You'll like it when your older." Winking I head back to the ladies. "What kind of dress are you looking for Cam?"

"Sexy and classy."

"Cream or white?" Isabel asked looking over a few on a rack.

"White and maybe some lace."

"Here you go sweetheart I always keep some juice boxes here for when my kids come to work with me. So have we found any possibles?" The lady came back still with that Chester cheetah ass grin.

"Actually I wanted to see your uh spring or summer line."

"Sure sure follow me. Is there a certain designer your looking for?" We follow her towards the changing rooms.

"No just something long no sleeves and lace."

"Oh your vision sounds beautiful. Here are a few sleeve less dresses just came in for the summer wedding season so you can look through here and if you find something feel free to try it on. Our brides maids dresses are just in the other side."

"Thank you." We all said looking at dresses.

"Mommy I want a dress." Mona stood next to me looking at dresses.

"I know pumpkin were gonna go to your favorite store to get you a nice and pretty dress. Oh this is nice."

Isabel and I turn up our noses.

"Bitch put that back what the hell wrong with you." I snatch it from her and flick her nose. "You know better than that."

"It's really cute!"

"Maybe for a old lady stop that." I roll my eyes and go back to looking for a dress.

"Ladies how are we doing need anything?" The lady came back still perky as hell. Someone need to switch to decaf.

"We're just fine thank you but I did want to know uh if I was to need a dress to be touched up here and there what's the waiting time?"

"Well it depends on how much work would need to be done. We can make those changes and hold the dress until your big day." She smiled with a little giggle.

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