He's Back(46)

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"Uh hey...Cole."

He smiled coming over hugging me. I froze in place not really wanting him touching me.

"Who are you?" Mona stood next to me arms crossed. "Only my daddy can hug my mommy."

"I'm a friend. My name is Cole." He kneeled down to her level.

She looked at him rolling her eyes. "We have to go come on mommy."

Looking at him I shrugged. "It was nice seeing you."

"Yeah same here. You look great." He took my hand. "Can I call you or something?"

"Um I don't think that's a good idea."

"Worried about that ex huh? I'm not scared of him so-"

"Wait what ex I'm still with Chris."

He chuckled. "You should just look who he's around more often and then let me know when we can go out for drinks."

"No thanks but what are you talking about?" I stood my arms crossed over my chest.

"Your boy ain't so perfect." He shrugged with his hands up.

"No shit did you think trashing him would some how make me attracted to you? Dated a former friend of mine proposed to me in front of my fiancé like dude your sheet isn't looking good. Why would I go out with you!?" I felt my heart starting to speed up some. Taking I deep breath I tried relaxing my nerves.

"I'm a better fit for you Camila." He grabbed my hand.

"You can't decide who is better for me. I love Chris and I'm going to marry him."

"How can you say that? Remember our time together we were perfect together meant to be fitting perfectly." He tried grabbing my hips.

I quickly push him away. "Your psycho."

I went up to the cashier and start putting stuff on the belt quick because I need to get out of here. I feel like the entire building is closing in on me. Taking a couple of breathes I squat down.

"Mommy you ok?" Mona and Stanley came over rubbing my back. "I'll pay for it mommy."

She got my purse out the cart and took out one of the cards from my wallet. "No no I'm ok." I take it from her. I'm really thankful Mona is like this so helpful and caring.

Just gives me hope she won't grow up to be like me. After paying and one of the other workers helping with my bags I slowly drove us all home. I miss Chris.

So I'm in NewYork to handle some shit happening at the academy. Something about one of the teachers and two fifteen year old students then a fight or some shit. Being the overall person in charge I got to deal with the press and all that because now since some bitches wanna try to give this place a bad name I gotta handle it.

"I myself can defiantly say there will be some serious consequences for the actions of the said faculty member and students involved. Never would I agree with what happened being I have two daughters. It's a sick and distasteful act and to just step out the professional line real quick...I hope he rots in hell." A few chuckled as I straighten my jacket and continue. "The academy will remain open for classes not letting this small set back disturbed any other students." I spoke into the mic in front of a crowd of news cameras.

"MrWashington CNN here...why did you feel the need to come out here and speak? Why not let the manager/principle or whatever handle this?" One reporter asked.

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