The Fellas(22)

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"Bye baby

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"Bye baby." Camila kissed my sleeping lips making me frown peaking up at her. "I'll be back later and I'm taking Mona with me."

"Where y'all going this early?" I sit up wiping my eyes.

"Dress shopping babe and then I'm suppose to check out the garden and look for something for the reception."

"Ight before you go get my gold card to pay for whatever you getting." I lay back down seeing a snoring and drooling Maurice next to me.

"Baby I don't need your card."

"I know but I want you to take it. You can get the dress with it or whatever." I was slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Fine don't forget to feed my baby." She kissed me again then left.

"Bye daddy!" Mona yelled slamming the door making Maurice jump.

He looked around scrunching up his face balling up his fist. "Ah shit don't start not this early man." Picking him up I lay on my back laying his body on my chest.

He wiggled and whined while I rub his back finally calming down and drifting back to sleep giving me a green light to follow his lead. We slept until about tweleve when he started crying again. Hearing his stomach growl I stretch walking us down the stairs.

"Bout time you got up nigga." Carlton said eating cereal with Elias in my couch. "Y'all out of fruit loops....and milk."

"Oh thanks." I mumbled walking in the kitchen taking one of his bottles out the fridge. While warming up the bottle I hear little smacking turning to see Eli crawling and babbling. "What's up nigga?"

Bending down he used my leg to stand himself up smiling with his few little teeth. "I told Max to come through he bringing something good."

"Ight that cool. What we getting into today?" Taking the bottle out testing it on my skin I start feeding Maurice.

"Chillin nigga the girls out looking at dresses and shit. I already got my stuff coming in the mail sometime soon."

We went back in the living room watching sports center with our sons. "Imma just get mine closer to the day so I ain't stressing over it to much."

"True what that bachelor party looking like nigga?" He punched my arm cheering like a idiot.

"I don't know me and Cam gonna lay down the do's and don'ts first cause we all know what we we do them girls gonna go right ahead and do just twice as turnt."

If she see me surrounded by strippers she's gonna get twice as many she see then imma have to kill some bitches.

"You right I can already see Rebecca slapping some stripper ass with some fifties.....actually I wouldn't mind that shit sound sexy to me."

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