Long time no see(50)

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"Sir you cannot burst in here like that!" The judge slammed down her grabble

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"Sir you cannot burst in here like that!" The judge slammed down her grabble. "Who are you?"

"M-my name is Eric Red I'm Stanley's father." He tried fighting off the two guards pulling in him.

"Is that true?" I looked back over at Devin. She just nodded.

"Well yes you are to late please leave this court room." The judge spoke pointing out. "Mr Washington ms Cisneros you will go out to the front desk sign a couple of papers and Stanley will officially be your legal daughter."

"No no no no why is this happening!? What did you do to my child!?" He turned to Devin starting to march her way.

"I gave her a family! You shouldn't even be here!"

"She's my child why wouldn't I be here got random strangers taking my daughter to god knows where!"

"They are not strangers they are good people who will take care of Stanley better than me or your deadbeat ass could ever. Just let her be happy."

"Hell no you might not care about her but I do and I'm not letting this happen!"

"Look I get your upset but it's already done. My wife and I have been taking care of Stanley like our own for months she was basically our third kid only difference now is its legal now." I spoke handing Stanley back to our family.

"Honestly dude fuck you I want my child back."

"Then you shouldn't have left her. I get you didn't want to deal with me but she did nothing wrong to you. You made that decision when you walked out on us and can't just come back when ever you want." Devin was in tears. "She will be happy and safe with them I know it."

"Fuck you Devin it's all your fault how can you just give your only daughter away like this!? Without telling me!?"

"I don't have to tell you shit your dead to me I hate you with ever bone in my gotdamn body! You don't deserve to be in her life your not man enough to handle a child on your own!"

"I swear Devin if I wasn't being held back if come over there and-"

"That is enough everyone out now!" The judge yelled.

I got Maurice while Cam had the girls hands. We got to the desk and got to signing the papers needed.

"This girl comes with a lot." Carlton mumbled as they dragged Eric out.

"Stanley babygirl it's daddy! Come here please baby I missed you so much." He called out as the guards held him against the wall putting cuffs on his hands. "Stanley please!"

"Mommy he's scaring me." She hid behind Camila legs.

"It's ok come on let's go home."

"No no no please! Stanley!"

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