Finale touches(42)

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Handing out papers all the students get their pencils ready as I get to the front of the class

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Handing out papers all the students get their pencils ready as I get to the front of the class. "This test is very important for you guys finale grades so if you rather spend you summer in the pool and bed than being here doing make up work....I suggest you work your hardest." Looking around I made sure they all had their test and a pencil. "Ok you have twenty five minutes." I start the timer hearing papers turning over.

I have a fifth grade class today. Their teacher got sick or some shit so here I am. Being a substitute is fun at times with dealing with different kids at different learning levels. I've even become the favorite of some of the kids. They feel safe coming to me about a lot and it just makes me feel great that I can be that let out for them.

As they are the phone rings. "Ms Cisneros you have someone here for you in the main office."

"Uh ok thank you. Continue testing I'll be back." I walk out the classroom heading down the office. Just a few feet away I see a man holding flowers. Smiling I straighten my hair but stop all together when seeing it was just Andrew. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Julian had a dentist appointment remember?" He smirked. "Also I wanted to see I know there your favorites."

"Andrew you really have to stop this."

"I miss you Isabel."

"I don't miss you though which is something you have decided to constant push out your head. I have someone just like you did I left you alone so you need to do the same." I take the flowers and throw them in the nearest trash ben.

As I'm walking back Julian came running. "Hey mom dads taking me to the dentist."

"I know I'll see you at home." I miss his head.

"Will Max be there he said we could play video games until my bedtime." He smiled.

"He probably will be. Have fun with your dad."

"Isabel!" Andrew came jogging from behind me. "Just wait right there Julian."

I sigh throwing my head back. What is wrong with this fool!? There must be some kind of bug going around maybe he sick or something. "What Andrew I have a class to get back to?"

"What's up with you this fuck boy you dealing with having my son around doing something to you." I chuckled shaking my head. "Laugh all you want I can see your not who you use to be."

"Did the stress of you stepping out on me, choosing you hoe over your family and just all the problems that came with her...change me? I gave you my all for years and you just threw it out the window for some worn out over used pussy. And also Im'ma need for that disrespect of my man to be taken out your mouth real quick. I left you and your hoe alone letting y'all be a wanna be family with your new daughter and all that good stuff getting married. So what you need to do is leave me be."

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