Chapter 2

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Ces: *shoves Chapter 2 in your face*


Chapter 2 "Weirdos"

Third Person's POV

"Great work today, guys!" Melinda exclaimed as she flipped the sinage into close. Some of the yelled back, good job. Some of them continued what they are doing. Bill wiped away the dirt on the counter, as if it was his child. Melinda giggled and approached the blond "Well, Bill." She catched his attention "You've impressed me today and I noticed that you're very flirty" She joked

Bill laughed, unfolding his sleeves down "Thanks! Anyways, I have a question for you" He stated

"What is it?"

He showed Dipper's book, knocking it on the side of his head "Did you know Dipper Pines?" He questioned.

Melinda rosed an eyebrow, getting interested "Mr. Dippingsauce?" She chuckled. Bill blinked [Dippingsauce?] "D-Dippingsauce?" He sweatdropped. She let out a small laugh, a hand on her hip "I call him that since you know, Dipper and stuff. We're actually close. Why ask?" This brings relief on Bill, he smiled evenly "He left this book earlier. I was thinking of bringing it back to him." He explained

"So you want that huh~" She smirked "And I thought youre hitting off with him also" She teased. Somehow, that made Bill embarrassed but he didn't showed it and shrugs it "Shut up. I dont like him." Melinda giggled, poking his cheek "I didn't say anything about liking him~" She sang


Melinda laughed "Just kidding! Anyways, he lives just beside our cafe. The apartment complex there?" She pointed out "If I remember correctly, it was second floor, third room next to the elevator. I think that's room 297. I dunno." She shrugs.

Bill grins so wide "Thanks, Meli!" He sang. That made Melinda annoyed, she pinched his cheek making him yelp in pain "Thats Manager for you, Cipher." She scowled

"Ow- y-yes! Let me go-" I whimper

She laughed, letting it go and walked away. He massaged his cheek, it hurt so much. She might be beautiful but hey, his beautiful face too. He looked at the book again, there was a little drawing of a pine tree at the farthest corner. His lips curved, Pine Tree then! He thought he'll call him Pine Tree. He chuckled by that and went back to what he is doing.


Dipper's POV

Uhg. My eyes hurt. I must have crying over an hour now. I checked myself on the mirror, red puffy eyes. Tear marks on my cheeks and I look like something from a Halloween theme guy. I sighed, splashing water on my face, fixing myself up. I dont want to do any of my homeworks today.. I dont even want to see the sun tomorrow.

How come this kind of thing always happen? I moved out of the house to escape everything but I guess until here it still followed me. How will I escape this?

After that, I went to my room and threw myself on the bed. My bed is the softest. This is so soft like a cloud or marshmallow. I dont know, everything that resembles softness. Its warm too. I sighed dreamily, this is the best. I was about to sleep until someone pushed my doorbell. I groaned, rolling back and fourth. Please go away! I want to be at peace!

But it still continued, I got annoyed. I wore my glasses again and went to the door. Looking at the peep hole, tip toeing. Damn my height. My eyes widen, its that guy! From the cafe! What was his name again? Bill? He was holding one of my book! I must have left it! I quickly opened the door, leaning out. He blinks, surprised by the sudden entrance of mine. I quickly change pace, I grabbed my book away from him and shut the door on his face.

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