Chapter 84

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ces: time to be serious. enjoy reading!


Chapter 84: "Calm Down"

Tomorrow rolled in as well as Dipper's third day of staying in NYC. He thinks time is passing by so quickly, but he mostly blames his anxiety and jitters for some reason. Or maybe because today was the day to finally remove the bandage and the nerves are killing him!

Dipper paced around the room, keeps on glancing on the clock and getting frustrated that it doesn't passed by any minute every time he looks.

"Geez- calm down, Pine Tree!" The injured man complained on his bed. He wears a long sleeved white shirt and sweatpants. His neck that was full with love marks are now covered thanks to the concealer that Dipped has and it's waterproof too! Bill sighed and pats the space next to him, urging for Dipper to calm down.

"Sit down, here, next to me." He ordered.

Dipper clicked his tongue but followed. He sat next to him, wringing his hands together on his lap, anxiety radiating off from him.

Bill sighed and clumsily search for those hands. In the end, Dipper grabbed his hands and frowns. "I'm just so worried, Bill..." He murmured.

"I could tell, darling." The blonde chuckled, "but you don't have to worry too much, yes? I mean, I'm getting rid of this thing off!" He exclaimed, a huge smile plastered on his face.

Dipper tries to smile to meet Bill's excitement but the nagging feeling on his stomach won't leave him. As if his intuition is telling him that the outcome won't be good. He bites his lip. "I just... don't have a good feeling about this, love." He paused, looking on Bill's face. "I am happy for you, really, but I can't shake off this feeling that something's horrible is going to happen." He whispered, too afraid to jinx things up.

The blonde doesn't understand at all. He never did understand the other's intuition, but he respects it. It did got him out from sticky situations too. He tighten the hold on his hands, "look, I'm scared too, I don't know if I'll be blind for life or have my sight back but either way, things had happened and we can't do anything about it." He stated, trying to sound comforting as he can.

He sighs. "I gotta say, losing my sight will be a huge pain in the ass because I practically can't see your pretty face now!" That earned him small laugh as he continue, "I won't be able to do hacking since eyes are most important on doing such a thing. I can't even do your favorite latte anymore! That sounds depressing as heck." He huffs, frowning at the thought.

Bill loves computers and how he can control anything by just jumbled letters and numbers. He feels like a god when hacking, however, ever since he got into Melinda's cafe, it has been a paradise to use his hands to something else from deadly and illegal. He can make coffees for those caffeine addicts and experiment on them! He loves being a barista, he loves making sweet things for Dipper other than doing illegal work.

"But... I know it'll be tough, but I trust you that you won't leave me just because I don't have eyes, right?" He mumbled, turning away from where his gaze is supposed to be, nervous.

If Dipper wasn't listening, he would have not heard that at all. He blinked, surprised at such words. "Oh my god, of course not, dumbass!" He hissed, grabbing him by the shoulder and slightly shaking Bill. "Why on earth did you think of that?" He asked, hurt.

Bill yelped, dizzy at the sudden shake. "Calm down!" He grabbed Dipper's forearms, stopping him. He sighed heavily. "It was just an If, darling. I know you're loyal to me and I you." He pats comfortingly his fingers against the soft skin.

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