Chapter Forty

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I finished changing and headed to the parking lot, i was tired and really needed to sleep, i opened my car and got in just as my ringtone went off 'this is the anthem-'

"Hello, who's this?"

"Dustin where are you?" my dad's voice rang through the speaker and i sighed.

"I am at school now heading home why?"

"I need you to spin around by my office, don't go home just come straight here?" i furrowed my brow what the hell is going on?

"Dad what's going on?" i heard him sigh from the other side.

"I'll tell you when you get here okay?"

"Yeah." with that the call switched off and i was left staring at the phone screen, something was up.


A half an hour i pulled up at his work building which was at least forty two stories, i headed inside nodding at the guard that was standing by the door, i got in the elevator and went to the top floor, where my dads office was just across from his secretary's who had probably gone home already seeing it was nine pm.

I pushed open the door and heard my dad on the phone "i understand but you don't seem to care what this is going to do to his head, he's been through so much already... i know... whatever." he ended the call and i knocked on the door.

He spun around and smiled at me, but something was wrong his smile was usually brighter showing all his teeth, i walked in and went up to him "hey dad, why did you call me here?"

He signaled for me to follow him to the balcony, which i did and was hit with a sudden burst of cold breeze, he leaned against it as he studied me, i didn't like his gaze on me so i turned to look over onto the park that sat just across from his building.

"How have you been doing lately Dus, are you okay?" i nodded, it depends on your definition of Okay "good so i just called you here to tell you that your mom doesn't want you to come home tonight." my body stiffened  as i looked at him what did he just say, mom doesn't want me home?

"I know you walked in on our conversation this afternoon and it upset you, i tried to speak to your mom so she could change her mind, but she doesn't want to listen to reason, so i'm going to have to find somewhere for you to stay but it's kind of too late for that so do you have any friend that you can stay at for tonight and tomorrow i'll get you an apartment?" i was staring at him with my mouth slacked, still trying to process what mom said, she doesn't want me home?

"Dustin, are you okay?" my dads voice was full of concern as he slowly approached me, but i couldn't say anything, i felt a tear come to my eye and run down my cheek "Dus are you okay?"

I don't know what happened but one minute i was looking at my dad and the next thing the world seemed to be spinning around me, i felt my knees go week and my dad caught me, trying to keep me up, my mom didn't love me, in fact she hated me enough to want me gone, that was the last thing i thought before it all went black.


I felt someone touch my shoulder and i opened my eyes blinking to clear it up as my dad came into view, he gave me a stiff smile "hey champ time to wake up." my dad looked exhausted and worn out for some reason.

I sat up looking around to see i was still in my dads office and i had slept on his couch, i rubbed my face and stretched letting out a yawn, he collected the blanket from me folding it an throwing it over the back, he sat next to me squeezing my shoulder.

"Are you feeling better?" i was unsure of what he was talking about but decided it would be best if i just nodded, he smiled at that and got up moving to his desk and sitting down in front of his computer screen, i got up and stretched again moving to stand behind him.

I saw he was looking on a website for an apartment in our town, i was confused until last night came back to me and i felt my heart sink, my chest suddenly felt tight and i took in a deep breath, my dad looked back at me and stood up holding me to him, he searched my pockets and then frowned at me.

"Where is your inhaler?" i pointed to my jacket and held onto him as he lead me to the chair it was over i sat down and he checked through the pockets "Dus it's not here, where did you put it?" i shook my head as i heaved in another breath.

He ran around the office checking everywhere i had been before going out to the balcony and finding it on the ground, he ran over to me shaking it and put it to my mouth giving me a puff, i collected it and took two more before i felt my chest clear up.

He stooped down in front of me with a frown on his face as he examined me checking my eyes and finally letting out a breath of relief "it was just a small attack but i need you to always have this on you and i'm going to get you two more just in case, you're going to be living on your own soon and i need you to take care of yourself." i nodded and he smiled before pointing over to a door "go in there and tidy up, your clothes is already in there, when you're done we'll go check out some apartments okay?" i nodded and got up heading to the bathroom.

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