Peter Pan OUAT

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Your relationship with pan was never as smooth or as clean as you had hoped it would be. Loving someone who seemed to never love anything other than his own immortality was quite hard. Up until recently, you had had so much hope that your boyfriend would change and stop worrying about his time on Neverland coming to an end. It seemed like he never wanted to spend any time with you. A part of you knew that talking to him about your feelings would just end with him becoming upset. But after debating about confronting the boy, you decided it was time to stop hiding how you felt. If Pan truly loved you , then he would surely understand.
After walking towards Pan's tent, you peeked through the tent's entrance and took a minute just to admire your loving boyfriend. He sat on the edge of his bed with a very stressed and concerned look on his face. You gave it another few seconds, and then you began to slowly walk in.
"Pan..." you began to speak. But Pan shortly interrupted you.
"(y/n) , I know why you're here darling. You don't have to worry. I have a plan to fix everything. This way i'll be able to spend forever with you, just as I promised! I just need a boy..."
"A boy? Pan what in the heavens are you talking about?" you asked, terrified for the answer.
"Yes, a boy. I need another lost boy. But not just any lost boy. I need Henry Mills. He's the answer to everything. As long as I can bring him here, I can have my forever on this island. I can spend my forever with you darling, like I promised." Pan rambled as he put his hand on the side of your soft cheek. "I love you darling, and no matter what happens, and no matter what path life takes us, i'll always love you. Forever, just as I promised."
"I love you too pan. Forever?" You questioned.
"Forever my love." And with that he sealed a kiss.

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