5)Finding Family Part I

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Esme stepped into her ex-husbands office, and sat down. Carlisle tried to give her a smile, but it turned out more like a grimace. He cleared his throat to speak, a habit after working at the hospital for so long, but before he could Esme spoke with a soft smile.

"It's okay, we knew this was going to happen at some point, and honestly I'm happy that your finally going to meet your true mate, I just wish I could meet mine too".

Carlisle gave her a soft look before going round the desk to hug her. "You truly are an amazing woman".

They both separated when they heard their 'children' returning, both noticed an extra set of steps and a scent neither noticed. Esme squeezed Carlisle's hand and whispered "good luck" before they both walked downstairs.

When they reached the front yard Carlisle froze and Emse could help but smile.

Carlisle spotted the read head and stepped forward in a daze, "I'm Carlisle".

The red head could barely get her name out, "Victoria".

Carlisle stepped forward and opened his arms, and Victoria sped towards him, they both just clung to each other. "It's so amazing to finally meet you", Carlisle whispered.

Esme noticing everybody's confused looks and cleared her throat gathering everyone's attention, including Carlisle and Victoria, she smiled at them while speaking.

"I apologize for interrupting but I think it's time we had a family meeting".

Carlisle nodded before reaching to hold Victoria's hand. "I agree", and with that everyone followed Esme into the house.

Carlisle and Victoria sat on the main love seat, while everyone else scattered around sitting next to their mates. Every noticed that Esme sat on what appeared to be a new love seat.

Angela spoke first, "What the hell is going on?"

Esme smiled before looking at Carlisle who nodded. "Before I speak everyone must promise not to interrupt". After receiving multiple nods, including Victoria who looked thoroughly confused.

"Well this is Victoria, Carlisle's true mate. Carlisle and I, we fell in love when we first met, but we knew after he turned me that we weren't true mates. A few weeks ago Carlisle told me he started to feel the pull, so I immediately got the divorce papers sorted and we've been waiting ever since".

Before continuing to speak she turned to Victoria who looked like she was feeling guilty, regardless of whether or not it was her mate. Esme continued, "and I can honestly say I'm glad your finally here, Carlisle deserves true happiness, and as I said to Carlisle the only regret I have is that I wish my mate was here now".

Everyone finally understood and were once again in awe by how selfless Esme was.

Esme smiled at everyone before standing up, gathering everyone's attention.

"Where are you going?", both Rosalie and Victoria said at the same time.

"It's time for me to go", she said with a sad smile.

Victoria spoke up before anyone else could, "please don't go, you don't need to, I'd like to get to know you too, and I don't want to take your place or anything like that.."

Esme interrupted her with a chuckle, "You're not replacing me don't worry", she turned so she was addressing everyone, "I just, I would like to spend some time by myself for a while, maybe I can find my mate too", she said hopefully. "I do have one request though".

Carlisle nodded quickly, "anything".

Esme smiled softly, "I will return again, I don't know when but I will, and when I return I'd like to still be the matriarch of the family. I love the rest of the family like they were my own children, and I'd still like to be a mother figure to them.

"Of course", Carlisle nodded, "Regardless of who my mate is I don't think anyone could replace you".

Victoria nodded too, "Yeah, I agree. I can sense that from you and I honestly don't think I could ever do what you do, even If I want to, and I bet you will always be a mother to them", she turned to everyone else, "right?"

Emse couldn't help but give a teary laugh when everyone practically shouted "yes".

She hugged everyone, and after an extremely emotional goodbye she walked toward to door and picked up the small bag of essentials she packed earlier. Before she left to turned and spoke one last time. "I will be back one day, I promise". After receiving a smile of everyone she turned and left, running through the woods.

Hi there!!! New short Story

This is Bella / Esme short story

Part two is coming ;)

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