39) Tonight Part 1

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Summary: It started as an online friendship that turned into more. Will their first meeting go up in flames or will it end with pleasure.


Rated M for a reason.

Bella stared blankly out the porthole window of the air plane as it descended towards Seattle. Her heart thumping so loudly in her ears she was sure that the others passengers could hear it. The plane landed with a roar of the engine and a loud thump, her body flooded with anxiety. Though the flight from Phoenix hadn't been long, it had given her enough time to doubt what she was about to do.

The passengers began to slowly file off the plane, as she stood she realized for the first time how shaky her legs felt. Grabbing her carry on she exited the plane and found the first restroom she could. Staring into the mirror she pulled the pony tail holder from her brunette hair and tried to make it look somewhat presentable. What if she doesn't like me? Bella deliberated. Shaking off the thought she reapplied her lipstick and headed out of the restroom.

With each step towards the exit the anxiety grew further but so did her desire. Bella thought back to the beginning, how had she ended up here. It had begun as a friendship online; they had both been taking online courses through an online university. A group project had them talking on the phone more nights than she could remember and then it was over, the class had ended but their nightly conversations hadn't.

Bella found herself looking forward to those late night calls, hearing about her friend's day, they were two strangers with a connection, it was a feeling she had never felt before. There was definitely attraction and flirting, but Bella hadn't been able to decide if that was just the way Rosalie behaved.

Then they had exchanged photos, Bella had agonized over which picture to send. Finally after much scrutiny she sent one that she thought she looked descent in. Rosalie had sent her a photo of her bikini clad body with the message "I hope you like what you see ;)". That's when Bella knew her attraction was real, not only was this woman beyond beautiful she was also certain that she was feeling the same way. This strange yet familiar connection.

The first time Bella had touched herself to Rosalie's melodic voice over the phone had been an awkward yet exhilarating experience. She could still remember Rosalie's labored breathing on the other end of the phone pushing her over the edge; she had come hard screaming her lover's name as her fingers pumped inside her. It hadn't ended there and they had become each other's addictions. Bella recalled all the late night touching, pinching her nipples imagining it was Rosalie, listening over the phone as Rosalie described what she wanted to do to her. Listening to Rosalie call out her name when she reached her climax only added to her addiction. Even in her alone hours Bella often found her hands wondering to places it would have never ventured before. Thoughts of Rosalie sucking her nipples had her pinching them hard, and her hands greedily rubbed her most sensitive area wishing it was Rosalie's tongue. She had a level of intimacy with this woman she had never met; a level of intimacy that she had never experienced with anyone before. Bella knew she was falling hard. When Rosalie had suggested that maybe they should meet up, Bella had willingly agreed to be the one to visit.

The anxiety drained away and anticipation took its place. Just thinking about what the real Rosalie would do to her had wetness pooling between her legs. Swallowing hard and trying to ignore the throbbing between her legs, Bella stepped on the escalator. Chewing the inside of her cheek she scanned the baggage claim searching for those blue eyes she had dreamt about for so long.

Bella was able to spot her immediately; she was standing next to the baggage claim board. She was taller than Bella had expected, her blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulder. Rosalie seemed to feel that someone was watching her, she looked up and her expression softened; a smile playing in her eyes and on her lips. Blue met brown, and the connection Bella had felt suddenly took a real form.

Taking a deep breath she stepped off the escalator and pushed away the doubt, instead thinking about all they had shared with one another. It was more than just sex; they had shared stories, personal stories of family and friends, and secrets that no one else knew. As she took each step she allowed the familiarity to wash over her. She knew Rosalie's likes and dislikes, her fears and dreams. This was the woman that had been able to capture her heart.

Bella could feel her hands shaking from anticipation as she approached. Bella stepped forward into Rosalie's waiting arms and they embraced. Bella felt overwhelmed by the realness of the situation. Closing her eyes she tightened her arms around Rosalie breathing in her scent, feeling the softness of her hair against her cheek, taking it all in. Rosalie seemed to be doing the same.

"Hi," Rosalie said pulling away. "I'm glad you're here Bella."

The softness of her voice had Bella's knees almost buckling, it was too much but she wanted more. "Me too," Bella answered.

Rosalie pulled Bella into her arms again. "I can't believe you're here," she breathed rubbed her nose against Bella's cheek. It was an intimate touch that didn't get lost on Bella. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt Rosalie's lips brush her cheek, then on her neck. A warm sensation enveloped her, any fear washing away.

"I love it when you blush," Rosalie teased pulling away and taking Bella's bag. "You ready?"

Bella nodded trying her best not to trip as they walked to the car. They didn't speak much, as they walked to the parking lot. Bella climbed into the passenger's seat as Rosalie loaded her bag into the trunk. Rosalie climbed into the driver's side and started the car. The ride back to Rosalie's place was easy, they chatted about the flight, and what they would do over the week. Bella allowed herself to be bold, take Rosalie's hand in her own, their fingers intertwining, and Rosalie didn't protest, just held on tightly.

When they arrived at the two story townhome Bella's heart began to race again. Rosalie seemed to sense the shift. "You okay Baby?"

Bella turned and looked at the woman sitting across from her. There were so many emotions playing across her beautiful features. She called me Baby, Bella thought. It hadn't been the first time but this was real, this woman sitting across from her was real, not a fantasy.

Reaching up with her free hand Bella pulled Rosalie to her, capturing her lips, feeling softness of her lover's lips against her own. Burying her hand in Rosalie's hair she pulled her closer wanting to feel her body against her own. Rosalie responded with fervor deepening the kiss as tongues collided in the battle for dominance. Bella's body was on fire and the dampness between her legs getting wetter by the moment. Pulling back, brown met green, they were both breathing heavily, smiles on their face.

"Should we go inside?" Bella asked. Rosalie nodded licking her lips.

"Yea," she said flustered. "Of course."

Kinky!!! Next up.......

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