83) Love Lost at Midnight

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Rating: M

Pairing: Rosalie/Bella

Summary: She was the only thing that ever captured her interest, the only thing that caught her eyes; she was the only one who made her feel alive. She wanted her, even if it was just for such a short time, for fate was a cruel mistress and it wasn't meant to be... or was it?

Disclaimer: I do not own...

Rosalie POV

Flashes of brown washed across my vision; soft, flushed skin like silk beneath my fingertips as little kisses of fire trailed upmy neck, sucking hungrily.

"Rose! My God you haven't heard a word I've said, have you?"I turn my head and scowl at the little nymph my brother calls a wife. Her wide, anger filled eyes glare up at me as she waves her magazine in my face. Snapping, I yank the wretched thing from her hands, earning a gasp of surprise from her, before ripping it to shreds.

"Don't push me today, Alice! I am in no mood to play, sister," I snarl before storming to my room. The house is still with shock, all actives ceased as my anger reaches them. Throwing my door open I growl for peace and no interruptions, and as it slams closed I throw myself on my bed and gingerly, as carefully as I can, I open the little wooden box that is sat on the bedside table.

Opening the lid the scent I long for is long gone; the box revealing it sole contents, a scrap of blue material and a lock of brown hair - all that is left of my love. Before I can contain it a sob escapes my chest, and suddenly a soft knock reaches my ears. I quickly place the objects back into box and sit up on my bed.

"Come in," I whisper hoarsely, the door cracks open to reveal Jasper and Emmett, my brothers, the only ones who know of my mourning, of my lost love.

"Rose?" Jasper whispers in concern, shutting the door behind him as they sit on the edge of my bed. Long ago having any male with the confines of my room would send me into a spiralling downfall of horror. But now, now it's manageable, as long as they don't touch me without me starting the initial contact.

"Your mate again?" Emmett asks softly.

The others in the house all thought Emmett was my mate, but no. He reminded me so much of her; so close in personality, the hair, the eyes, when he whispered my name in his pain. But alas, Emmett was my brother, my comfort. He didn't mind of course, he enjoyed his life, his trips to Denali.

"Yes, I, I miss her so much" I cry out, burrowing my head in my hands as the sobs escape me. Their shocked gasps were the only sounds that filled the room as I let slip my little secret that piece of information. Ah yes, I had never uttered to them my deepest darkest secret.

"Your mate was a female? Oh, Rose, why did you never tell us?" Jasper sighs, but no judgment could be heard in his voice.

"I was afraid, I was afraid that if I spoke of her... if I spoke of her, our moment would be tarnished, that you would all judge me. That what I had done would..." I sob, trailing off not wanting to remember the pain; a small yelp escapes me, followed by calming waves as I feel a large hand cover my own.

"That would never happen, Rosalie. Will you tell us? Will you share with us the story of how you met her?" he asks softly, almost soothingly. With a deep breath I dig up old memories, memories that taunt me yet made me joyous.

It was April in the year 1934; it had been one year since I was damned to this hell. One year since everything I ever wanted and dreamed had been ripped away from me viciously.

"Rosalie?" I turned to see Esme standing at the door; her eyes were wide and full of hope. The woman was beautiful to a degree; she was a typical house wife and a mother... something I envied with the very being of my soul.

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