59)Special Date

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Bella/Alice Pairing.

Alice wanted to something special for her human girlfriend.

"Bella... Bella wake up honey"

I slowly opened my eyes to find a beautiful pair of golden orbs staring right back at me.

Alice smiled as I murmured incoherently something about sleeping some more.

"C'mon my love, we have school in an hour, you can sleep in tomorrow"

I sighed and she just removed my blanket after kissing my cheek.

"Go take a shower and have breakfast, I'll pick you up later then tonight I'm going to take you out to dinner"

I nodded and she gave me a brief kiss on the lips before storming out of my window.

I went to the bathroom and as I took off my clothes I noticed two new small bruises on my left arm and a little bigger one on my right thigh. I touched them with my fingertips and flinched. Then I thought of the girl who gave them to me and my heart softened; Alice.

Of course it wasn't her fault, I loved her with all my heart and every single part of my body and I knew she felt the same way about me, she would never hurt me on purpose. It's just that when we are having sex she sometimes loses control and touches me with a bit more passion, a bit more forcefully, and because she is a vampire and I'm just a human, she leaves small bruises on my skin. This is what happened last night.

I absolutely don't blame her and I always try to cover the bruises so that she doesn't see them, they don't hurt much but it kills Alice when she sees that I'm hurt after one of our "special moments".

The first time she saw a bruise on my skin and realized it was her fault she placed all the blame on herself and wouldn't touch me sexually again for weeks. Eventually I managed to make her understand that I didn't blame her and that the bruises didn't bothered me but still I try to cover them up and hide them from her because I know that, deep down, she still thinks it's her fault and she suffers for it.

I had a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, then I went downstairs to fix some breakfast for me and Charlie. He was already in the kitchen when I arrived.

"Good morning Bella, how are you today?" he asked while reading the newspaper.

"I'm fine dad, still a bit sleepy though"

I put a cup of coffee in front of him, then I went to fix one for myself.

"Thanks... Don't worry Bells your last year of high school is almost finished, then you can sleep all you want during the summer"


We continued to eat in silence, then I washed the dishes while he got ready for work.

"Bella I'm leaving!"

"Okay dad, have a good day at work"

"Yeah, I probably won't be back until later tonight, a hiker found a dead body in the wood half eaten, probably a bear attack. There's some money on the counter if you want to order pizza..."

"Oh no it's ok, I'm going out with Alice tonight so I won't be back early either, is that ok?" I asked just to be sure because I knew he was really fond of Alice.

"Yeah no problem, just stay away from the woods. Have fun Bells, I love you"

"Love you too dad"

He left for work and about five minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and smiled when I saw Alice waiting for me in her yellow Porsche. I grabbed my backpack and my keys, then I got into the passenger seat. Alice turned to me with a smile on her face and kissed me. I relished in the feeling of her cold lips against mine and lost track of time.

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