64) sunrise Eyes Part 4

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Bella/Rosalie pairing

Rating: M
Genre: Romance/ Femslash

A/N: I don't own anything you recognize, and Stephenie Meyer owns everything Twilight.


"Why do you hate me?" I whispered, my voice refusing to come out any louder through my fear.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she blinked at me a few times before replying. "I don't hate you," she said, but I could hear the lie behind her words.

"Yes, you do," I retorted, months of hurt and anger suddenly making me bold. "You ignore me, and give me dirty looks, and even though I'm here all the time, you've never even spoken a word to me! You hate me, and I want to know why."

Rosalie was gaping as the force of my emotion washed over her, but much to my annoyance, she didn't relent. She folded her arms across her chest and looked away, shaking her head as she said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop that!" I demanded. "I need to know. What did I ever do to make you dislike me? All I ever wanted was to..." I almost said, "To love you," but caught myself just in time. "...to know you," I finished lamely.

Rosalie huffed and continued to stare at the wall to her left, tapping her foot rapidly on the floor. "To know me," she muttered. "Great."

"Arg! Why are you being like this?" I said angrily. "Just tell me!"

"Fine!" she exploded, her head whipping around and her fiery eyes burning straight into my soul. "I'm jealous, ok? I'm fucking jealous! Happy?"

I gaped at her in confusion, having no idea where her jealousy would have spawned from - Edward and she could barely stand to be in each other's company for more than a few minutes. Why the two of them lived together had always been a mystery to me.

"Jealous?" I asked dumbly. "Of me? Why?"

She clenched her eyes shut and breathed deeply a few times before replying. "I'm not jealous of you," she said, her next words coming out barely above a whisper. "I'm jealous of him."

"Of him?" I repeated, my heart beating frantically and my palms tingling nervously as I realized what she was saying. Still, I needed to hear it from her. "Why are you jealous of him? And why would that make you hate me?"

Rosalie sighed and ran her hand across her forehead a few times before replying. "I don't hate you," she said again. "It's just easier to be angry than admit to wanting what I can't have."

"Do you want...me?" I asked quietly, my voice breaking on the last word. So many emotions were flooding me at that moment that I was trembling from head to toe.

Rosalie nodded without meeting my gaze, so she couldn't see the fire she had awoken in me. I had spent so many months pining and agonizing over her, and nothing was going to stop me now that I knew she felt the same way. I was already hers...and now I was going to make her mine.

"You were wrong," I told her. "You could have had me all along."

I stood from the couch and reached a shaking hand out to her, waiting for her to respond. She just stared at me for a minute, her eyes disbelieving and her full lips parted in surprise, but then she finally rose and twisted her fingers with mine.

The second our skin touched my whole body buzzed with electricity, and I knew this was what I had been waiting for all along.

I felt it.

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