81) leaving

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Hey yah all. I'm still Alive.😁😁
Haha. Sorry for not updating. I have a major writers block. Seriously I tried but I always ended up reading😅😅

Here's a story. Hope you all like this.

Happy holidays to all😄😄🎅🎅🎅

"Because of that. We are leaving Bella. I don't love you. I'm sorry I used you, but it was necessary to keep up the illusion of being human." Edward stood there looking at me, his face devoid of any emotion. I remained silent while I let his words sink into me. Could it be true? Could he really be leaving me? Was this it?

It sure seemed to be that way. I sank to my knees, overcome by a torrent of emotions. Edward of course misunderstood me as he started to rant again. "This really is best for you too. You have your entire life ahead of you, being with us would have only brought you into danger. Even more danger then you yourself attract. It..." I raised my hand to stop him.

He looked at me curiously as I gathered my thoughts and put them into words. "Thank you Edward. I've fallen out of love with you a while ago, but I had no idea how to tell you. I still love you but I'm not in love with you anymore. I didn't want to hurt you. It took my a while to figure out my real feelings, but I've known for months now that it wasn't you I was really in love with."

I finally looked up at Edward to look him in the eyes and saw his mouth drop open. His golden eyes had turned black and inadvertently I shrank back a bit. "You WHAT?!" he screamed at me.

"What are you? Bipolar? So it's ok for you to tell me you don't love me, but its not ok for me to tell you the same? Didn't you just tell me I should move on? Make up your mind Edward."

"Here I am, breaking my own heart just to keep you safe, and you decide you're not even in love with me? Do you have any idea how hard it was to make the decision to leave you behind? To keep you safely away from my world?" Edward didn't even notice he just spilled the true reason he was leaving. I did though.

"And that is exactly why it is over. What we had wasn't a relationship of equals. You make entirely too many decision for me without consulting me. You keep things from me trying to keep me safe but by not knowing I'm actually in more danger. Maybe I wouldn't be such a danger magnet if I knew what to avoid Edward. Did you ever think of that?" It felt good to finally be able to say outloud what I'd been thinking for so long now.

"You have no idea what is out there! Knowing it would only bring you more danger. Don't you know how much I love you? How can you even say it's not me you're in love with? Wait.. what..."

Edward may have perfect memory of what I had said, but the true meaning only seemed to dawn on him now. He stuttered for a moment, and finally asked, "Who? Don't tell me it's that Mike. If it is then please call it off, you have no idea how vile his thoughts are.."

I cut him off. Did he really think so low of me that I'd fall in love with Mike? "It's not Mike." I answered shortly.

"Eric or Tyler then? I know I'm not worthy of you, but those humans don't even come close to being worthy of you."

Once again I cut him short. Was he really so full of himself that he thought he had all the answers, or did he think so little of me? "Not human either Edward, I...", but Edward was already continuing his guessing.

"Oh god.. please tell me its not Jake or any of the Quileute pack?" This halted me for a second. Jake is not human? This was certainly new to me. Ah well, it was just another thing he kept from me, I was used to it by now, I'd find out later.

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