77)Be Mine

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Bella/Alice Pairing

Rated M

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.

"Oh man! I need to fucking have a shower. I feel so disgusting." I whined at my best friend, Edward. We were going back to his house from playing basketball at the park with our other best friends, Jasper and Emmett. We had a get together to go to tonight at Rosalie's, Emmett's girlfriend, house.

"Me too. You can take a shower at my house so we don't have to go back to your house. We can head straight to Rose's after we freshen up." Edward suggested.

"That's fine." I told him. When we arrived at the Cullen mansion, Edward got me a towel and pointed me where I can shower. I walked over to it, with my bag on my shoulder, and opened the door.

I stood there frozen, my eyes widening, and just stared at the goddess before me.

It was Alice.

It was Alice, naked.

Oh thank you God.

She's so fine.

I can't believe the day had come that I finally saw her in nothing but her skin attached to herself. She was the definition of beauty.

"AAAHHHHH" I was brought back to the world as I heard the most beautiful girl screaming and quickly wrapping herself with a towel.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry, so sorry Alice." I hurriedly closed the door then rested my head at the wall beside the door.

Thinking back to what I just saw awhile ago brought a smile to my face. She was gorgeous. Everyone knew I had a crush on her for ages, except for her of course. Even her twin brother, my best friend, Edward, knew that.

I had had a crush on Alice ever since she got boobs. It was the same time that I knew that I was into girls. I never really liked boys in a romantic and cheesy way. I am a boy at heart myself. I was a certified tomboy and my friends and family, except my mother, accepted who I am. My mother still wasn't giving up on me to come back to the girl's side but she was living in Phoenix so it was easy avoiding that certain subject.

The door to the bathroom started opening and then Alice came out in a towel.

Ooohhh. Though she's covered now, I can't deny to still gawk at her glorious body.

"Uhm, sorry I freaked out earlier." She gave me a small shy smile.

I shrugged and said, "No big deal. I'm the one who's supposed to apologize. I shouldn't have just barged in like that. Sorry."

"It's fine." She moved away from the doorway and gestured to the bathroom that I could use it.

"Thanks" I said to her in a soft voice. I watched her walk inside her room before I went inside the bathroom. Once inside, I let out a huge sigh and closed my eyes, relishing the thought of Alice's naked body in my mind.

Once I was done with my reminiscing, I actually managed to clean myself. I even used Alice's shampoo and body wash considering this was Alice's bathroom. I would be smelling like her all night.


When I put on my clothes and towel-dried my hair to put my short hair in a ponytail, I went downstairs where Edward was watching TV.

I plopped down beside him and stared at the television at first before talking to him.

"So, are we ready to go? Or are we waiting for someone else?" I asked him. I didn't know if Jessica, Edward's girlfriend would be riding with us or gonna meet Edward at Rosalie's house.

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