36) Phantom Beat Part 3

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Alice/Rosalie pairing

"Hey, Jazz?"

He gives me a squeeze. "Mm?"

We're sharing a recliner in the den, my head nestled in the crook of his neck and his arm around my waist. This-the closeness, the companionship-is completely normal and yet I find myself fidgeting restlessly.

Something doesn't feel right.

Instantly, I feel calmer and I know it's because of Jasper. He's such a good guy...

"You know I love you, right?"

He smiles ruefully. "Somehow, the combination of your emotions and that statement are less than comforting."


The male gives me another squeeze; calm, patient-my rock. "What's on your mind, Alice?"

"Rosalie," I respond truthfully.

A single blonde eyebrow raises and I know that he wasn't expecting that answer. "What has Rose done this time?"

"Ah..." The kiss instantly comes to mind and I can't help myself, I feel a spike of desire. The worst part is, I know he can sense it too.

"I see," Jasper says quietly, confirming that painful little fact. "Have you told her?"

"Somehow, I think she knows." My tone is dry and he laughs, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Well I hope you two are happy together." I sit up so that I can see his expression, notice the sad acceptance there and feel a crushing guilt. I don't deserve Jazz. "Hey now," he soothes, calming my emotions as he ruffles my hair. "What we had was wonderful, but "all good things must come to an end," as they say. I'll always be here for you."

Part of me wishes I could cry so that I can get rid of the heady mix of love and guilt and sorrow that fills me. I think he understands because he leans up and kisses me gently.

'I'm sorry, Jazz...'


I wind up my arm, raising one leg so that the toes are pointed towards the sky. I see Emmet tense his arms, the bat in his hands wavering slightly as he forgets his strength and leaves finger-shaped marks in the aluminum.

We practically buy the things in bulk anyway.

When I throw the ball, two things happen: there is a deafening 'CRACK' that resembles lightning as Emmet sends the sphere sailing into the stratosphere and Rose runs from first to home base in about three seconds, her hair flowing behind her from under her baseball cap.

Edward groans. "C'mon, Little Freak, get your head in the game."

"Leave her alone, Edward," Rose calls, taking her place at the batting mound again. "I wouldn't want to break a sweat."

Oh, it's on.

I spin my own baseball cap around so that the bill is to the back of my head, winding up again and inhaling slowly as I draw my leg into position.

The blonde smirks. "I'm feeling a home run."

When the ball flies past her at Mach speed and into Esme's waiting mitt, the smirk fades and I grin. "Strike one."

Golden orbs narrow. "Try that again."

I do and it works. "Strike two."

"C'mon, babe!" Emmet groans. "I wanna win this."

For some reason, hearing him call her that bothers me. I wind up once more, centering myself as Rose brandishes her bat. Esme smiles encouragingly and I hurl the ball again-

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