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Hey Everyone.😄 Got an Update.

Hope u all enjoying the Holidays. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. 🎆🎄


Fluff Rated T

"Bella can I ask you something?" Rose questioned her life-long friend Isabella Swan. She had been thinking on this for a long time, and she thought that now would be as good a time as any to ask for this. Bella looked up from her notebook and over at Rose. Taking the expecting look on her face as a sign for her to continue, she went on. "We're best friends right?" she asked.

"Of course we are," she answered, a little curious to see where this was going. She closed her notebook, since class was almost over anyway, and returned her pen to its holder on the side flap, giving Rose her undivided attention. "Why did you ask?" she inquired.

"Because I want us to do something," she stated. She couldn't help but giggle as Bella leaned back, quirking her eyebrow. "Not that. I want us to physically symbolize our friendship," she began to explain before Bella cut her off.

"Rose, what are you talking about?" Bella asked.

"I could tell you if you'd let me finish," Rose scolded. "Using a process that I'm not going to explain right now, we are going to give ourselves friendship scars," she finished. By the look on Bella's face, she knew that Bella really didn't want to do it, but then again, she hadn't really expected her to want to do it.

"Where did you come up with that idea?" Bella asked after a moment of silence. She wasn't as opposed to the idea as Rose probably thought she was. She actually kind of liked the idea of her and Rose having a permanent remnant of their friendship. It would mean that they would always stick together and watch out for each other, because they were branded. Before Rose could answer her question, she blurted out, "I want to do it."

"Really?" Rose asked, completely shocked that she wanted to do it. Totally baffled, she stammered out, "I, I can't believe it." Usually Bella was against purposefully scaring yourself for any reason, so Rose was in total astonishment.

"Why can't you believe it?" Bella questioned. She didn't understand why Rose thought she was such a good girl. She'd done some things that Rose couldn't even imagine. "You have to stop assuming that I'm not gonna want to do something that you suggest," she stated.

"I know," Rose admitted. She was about to say something else, but the bell rang, signaling the end of class. As they stood from their desks, Rose added, "If you're really sure, be at my house around 7." Bella nodded in acknowledgement before leaving the room. "Hope she doesn't chicken out," she muttered to herself.

The girls didn't see each other much for the rest of the day. They spoke in passing and at lunch, but it wasn't until Bella showed up on Rose's doorstep at ten minutes before 7, that they sat down and talked.

"I have to admit that I didn't think you were coming," Rose started the conversation. She and Bella were seated on the bean bag chairs in Rose's room in front of her flat screen TV. She looked over at Bella before adding, "But I'm glad you did."

Bella met Rose's gaze with a faint smile on her lips. "I liked your idea," she admitted. "And I want us to do this," she finished. Bella wondered why Rose was still so shocked at her wanting to do this. She also wondered sometimes if Rose wanted to ask her about other things. She at one time did have negative views of some things, but most of those views had changed. "So let's get this started," she prompted, practically jumping up from her chair.

"If you say so," Rose said as she stood from her chair. They made their way over to the small bathroom attached to Rose's room. Upon entrance, Rose had expected Bella to see the spread that she had laid out, and immediately decide that this was a bad idea.

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