30) Riptide part4

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Isabella turned in her bed, facing the window that was closest to her. She shut her eyes as she tried to stop the images from the events of the prior night to replay in her head.

What have I done? Isabella thought, mortified as dread crept over her.

Different scenarios flipped through her mind, but none had a good outcome for her. Sighing, she briefly contemplated what to do, yet she couldn't do anything but panic.

I need to get out of here, she told herself. I feel like I'm suffocating.

Impatiently, Isabella waited as she figured out how she'd escape from her room until Rosalie stirred behind her. Since Rosalie did not awake, Isabella took the opportunity to get out of bed quickly. After wrapping herself in a blanket, she headed to her bathroom and locked the door.

"This is all fucked up," Isabella muttered as she sat on the toilet seat. "I can even lose my business because of this."

While it was true she was concerned about the repercussions the lodge could suffer, it wasn't Isabella's biggest concern. Falling into bed with someone she barely knew wasn't something common for her, but that didn't terrify her-it was her feelings toward Rosalie now that they'd been intimate that did. She never expected to fall so hard for her in such a short time, but it had happened and now she didn't know what to do about it.

She couldn't just tell her since Rosalie was supposed to leave the following day. It probably wouldn't make a difference if she did, because surely, Rosalie wouldn't be able to reciprocate those feelings. The most logical thing to do would be to pretend as if nothing had happened, and that was what she would do.

Having found her resolution, Isabella headed to the guest room in the main house and put on some winter clothes she had stored in a closet. She then exited the room and made her way to the den outside. When she reached it, she lit up a cigarette, hoping it would calm her down. It wasn't often Isabella smoked, yet she did it mostly when she was under pressure. As she looked up at the grey sky above her, Isabella compared it with her future.

That's how it would be without Rosalie in it.

Isabella sighed, closing her eyes as she reclined against a wooden beam. After taking a puff from her smoke, she traced her lips, remembering how passionately Rosalie had kissed her. No one had kissed her like that before-not even Jane, the girl she'd dated the longest, so what did that mean for her?

These thoughts troubled her.

Remembering the decision she'd taken, Isabella opened her eyes only to be found with Rosalie's grey ones.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, startled.

"That's what I should be asking you, don't you think?" Rosalie retorted.

"I didn't even hear you come outside," Isabella said, trying to divert their conversation. "How long have you been standing here?"

"Long enough to know something's bothering you," Rosalie told her as she stepped closer to Isabella, only to have her take a step back. "What's going on, Bella?"

"I think we should talk about last night," Isabella said.

Rosalie nodded. "We should, and maybe while we're at it, you could tell me why you're acting as if nothing happened between us."

"Maybe that's what we should do," Isabella suggested. "Maybe we should pretend that nothing happened."

Feeling as if she'd been slapped across the face, Rosalie flinched. "Why would you say that?"

"I think it's the best-"

"That's the best for you?" Rosalie sneered. "Because it's clearly not the best for me."

Anger coursed through Isabella's veins, causing her to snap. "How can you say that? You don't even know me."

Rosalie shook her head in disbelief. "I know enough, okay? And aren't I the one to decide what I want?"

"Well, I can't possibly be that," Isabella argued.

Exhaling, Rosalie rubbed her face in frustration. "What's going on, Bella? Why are you doing this?"

Finally releasing the tears that had threatened to overcome her, Isabella said, "You're going to leave tomorrow, so what does it matter?"

"So that's what you're worried about?" Rosalie asked, incredulously. "How can you possibly think I can leave after everything that's happened between us, Bella?"

"You have a life in Rochester, Rosalie!" Isabella scoffed. "There are people that are waiting for you to return, and what? I'm just supposed to think that after one week together you're willing to change everything for me? Things don't happen that way."

"Maybe not for other people, but it could for us," Rosalie said, hopeful. "Stranger things have happened, right?"

Isabella looked at the ground, shaking her head in denial. "I don't know, Rose... That just seems improbable to me."

"Why? I'm standing here, telling you I'm willing to stay to make what's happening between us work, so why won't you believe me?"

"What about your work? Aren't you signed with your publisher in New York?"

Rosalie chuckled. "I can work anywhere in the world as long as I have my laptop, so that's not an impediment. If I need to go to a meeting, I'll travel, and maybe then you can join me."

"You make it sound so easy," Isabella whispered, "but it's not."

"Well, it definitely could be, yet you're intent on making things harder, and I don't get why," Rosalie sighed.

Isabella wiped her tears from her cheeks as she looked at up Rosalie. "I'm scared, alright?" she admitted. "I'm scared this is too good to be true, and then the day after tomorrow, you're going to change your mind and leave everything behind."

"What makes you think I'm not scared?" Rosalie asked, stepping closer to Isabella so she could cup her face in her hands. As she gazed into Isabella's eyes, she confessed the truth. "I'm terrified, okay, Bella? But I also know that what we have is rare, and not fighting for it would be a huge mistake. Sure, we might have some roadblocks along the way, but we'll overcome them together."

Isabella chuckled. "You really are corny."

"I told you," Rosalie teased. "If anyone's gonna make our story corny, it's going to be me. I'm the author here, remember? And we might just be at the beginning, but I can already tell you this tale will be beautiful and it will definitely be worth risking everything for. So, what do you say, huh? Will you give us a chance?"

Isabella nodded, smirking as a ray of light broke through the clouds. "Yes," she whispered. "Just don't break my heart, okay?"

"Don't worry," Rosalie told her before placing a soft kiss on her lips. "That is not part of our story."

The End :D

Wasn't that cute? Yeah, it was.
Anyways watch out for the next story :D

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