97) Hurt Me

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Lemon warning. Consider yourselves warned.

AU/AH/Might be considered as OOC.


Bella had to ask, she wanted to ask, but most of all she needed to ask. Picking through all her clothes, scattering them all across the floor she finally decided on just a pair of jeans and a tee. Waiting for Alice to come she started biting her nails only stopping once they bled and she heard a knock on the door. Answering it she saw Alice with a big smile on her face.

In her room Bella wrapped her arm around Alice's waist pulling the smaller girl closer to her. She felt nervous and Alice noticed this, Bella was being distant; struggling with her thoughts wanting to ask Alice a particular question, but not wanting to scare her away. The confliction confusing the girl further, she just pulled her girlfriend closer to her. Alice cautiously rested her head on Bella's shoulder thinking of what to say next.

Bella broke the silence with a heavy sigh, "Alice, I'm really glad you came tonight."

"Me too, I thought it was a good time to come while Charlie was away" Alice said suggestively nuzzling her head on Bella's shoulder.

"I uh, actually wanted to ask you something" Bella whispered looking down moving her arm of Alice starting to play with her hands nervously.

"What is it Hun?" Alice said reassuringly rubbing her lover's back.

"Can you do something for me?" Bella barely whispered out while her heart started to race.

"Anything, anything for you Bella" Alice replied whole-heartedly taking Bella's hand in her own not prepared for Bella's request. Bella sighed again forcing a small smile on her face taking a breath, "Hurt me" she breathed out closing her eyes afraid of Alice's reaction.

Bella's hand dropped from Alice's as the pixie-like girl released her grip. "Hurt you?" Alice asked to make sure her ears didn't betray her.

"I want you to hurt me Alice; I want you to be rough..." Bella trailed off, scared. Alice knew all about her girlfriends past, the abuse. "I...you..." she had no idea of what to say.

Bella stood up taking a few steps away from Alice. "I'm sorry, I should have kept my mouth shut, it just makes me feel good..." Bella said out loud trembling.

"No, Hun it's okay. I just don't want to hurt you I'd feel bad..." Alice walked over to Bella hugging her tightly unable to get rid of the grim expression on Bella's face. "Please..." Bella said weakly almost pleadingly, in truth she really did need this from Alice. She felt as if it was wrong but she couldn't help herself.

"I want you to whip me, hit me, hold me down..." Bella struggled to hold back tears hugging Alice tightly. "I need you to."

"Babe, it's okay shhh" Alice cooed, "Okay Bella" Alice gave in to Bella's request reluctantly taking a step back and looking up at Bella seeing her smile. "But only if you do it to me first..." Alice bit her lip nervously as she undid her belt passing it over to Bella. Bella had a really unimpressed look on her face. "Alice, I want to be hurt, I don't want to hurt you, you're so... so... I'm so much bigger than you."

Alice just grinned, "Aw come on Bella, this has to go both ways. I won't hurt you until you do at least something to me. Otherwise it won't feel right" Alice grabbed Bella's arm bringing them over to the bed, "Come on, whip me" Alice whined with a pout on her face before pushing Bella down on her bed. "You want me to play rough don't you? Bella was already getting turned on by Alice's roughness, biting her lip she nodded furiously. Taking that as a yes Alice slid herself onto Bella taking Bella's hand, the one with the belt, down onto her ass.

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