7)Wine Colored Lips Part I

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Hey to all!! Another new story!!!

This is Bella/Maria. All Human

Warning! This is a Mature Content

Enjoy you pervs! ;)

It was my twenty-first birthday, and my roommate and I had gone to a bar in downtown Phoenix to celebrate. The bar was an L shape, and there was a woman sitting diagonal from me near the corner. I had never been attracted to a woman before, but when I laid eyes on her, I felt it hit me like a baseball bat to the chest. She was beautiful; looking at her, it was hard to breathe.

I couldn't stop myself from staring as I sipped my margarita. Her long black-brown hair hung past her shoulders with a gentle wave at the ends, and she had deep, dark eyes that pierced everything she looked at. But it was her lips that I couldn't take my eyes off of. They were painted a deep burgundy, and spread in a wide smile when she caught me staring at her.

My breath caught in my throat when our eyes met. I had enough of a buzz to give me the courage to speak to her, and I was silently thanking Jose Cuervo, the bartender, my roommate and hell, my mother, for having given birth to me twenty-one years ago so that I could drink that night - everyone who had a hand in getting me to that very moment.

"There's no lipstick on your glass," I pointed out. "How do you do that?"

Sure, it was an odd conversation starter, but I couldn't help it. Her lips were all I could think about.

"My lipstick comes off on nothing," she said, her lips curling into a smirk as the sexiest spanish accent I'd ever heard rolled off her tongue.

I bit down on my lip to keep from moaning out loud. I wanted to move closer to her. Closer as in pressed right against her body. The thoughts shocked and confused me, but I was more interested in seeing where they led me than I was in where they had come from.

"Nothing?" I breathed. I swallowed hard as I stared at her lips, wondering if the lipstick would rub off onto my lips if I kissed her.

She reached across the bar and grabbed my wrist with her hand, pulling it toward her. I didn't resist. When it was inches from her mouth, palm up, she locked her eyes with mine once again. "Nothing," she repeated, her voice sultry. And then her open lips came down to meet my skin.

I whimpered softly as her tongue and teeth pressed against my sensitive flesh as her lips swept across my wrist to meet in the middle. By the time she pulled away, I was panting.

She smirked at me, then nodded down to my wrist where, just as she'd predicted, there was no evidence of her burgundy lipstick at all.

"My name is Maria," she said, raising a brow at me.

"Bella," I replied, pulling my wrist back slowly. I was still staring at her, mesmerized by everything about her.

"It's very nice to meet you, Beautiful," she said as she rose from her seat and walked over to me, her hips swaying with each step. Her curves were so womanly, so enticing. She was sex on legs, and I wanted her. Badly.

For once happy that my very friendly roommate had attracted the attention of a guy across the bar, I gave her my consent to go flirt with him, wanting the privacy to explore what could happen with the gorgeous woman seated beside me.

Giving Maria my full attention once again, I noticed that her glass was nearly empty. "What are you drinking?" I asked.

"This, Beautiful," she replied, gesturing to the remnants of her drink, "Is a Dragon Bite."

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's orange juice, mixed with Bacardi Dragonberry Rum and Coconut Rum. It's delicious." The look she gave me, her piercing eyes burning into me, was full of implications that her drink was not the only thing here that she found delicious. "Do you want a taste?"

Yes. For the love of God, yes.

"Please," I whispered. I didn't know what it was about this woman, but I could hardly think with her sitting so close to me. I'd been attracted to a few boys in high school, had a fangirl crush here and there, but never in my life had I felt such an all-consuming desire.

Maria waved to the bartender, who came quickly. She pointed to her drink. "Two more," she said, rolling the r. My mind immediately wondered what other tricks her tongue might be capable of.

I thought I was going to pass out from desire.

A minute of two of staring at Maria later, the bartender returned, setting a drink in front of each of us. "Shall we toast?" she asked, raising her glass toward me. I nodded. "It's your birthday, yes?" Again, I nodded. She smirked. "To trying new things, and to a birthday you will never forget."

We clinked our glasses together and I brought mine to my lips, tilting it up and taking a tentative sip. I licked my lips as I swallowed. Maria had not been wrong. I took another sip, longer this time, watching Maria as she watched me over the rim of my glass.

"You like it," she said, already knowing the answer. "That means I've been right twice tonight."

Hmmmm its heating up!!
Next chapter coming up ;)

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