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Hey guys here's another one. Its Bella/Jane Pair with a little surprise at then end.

I know I haven't updated my fanfics im sorry for that. Im currently on vacation with my family so ill update them when I got back home. But for now enjoy this one. \(*o*)/

Enjoy em :D

THE YEAR: 816 A.D.

"JANE? JANE ARE YOU OK?'' said Bella. ''Be..Bells!" said Jane. "Jane! Are you ok? Why are your eyes red?"

"You have to run!" Jane said.

"Why, Jane? Are you ok?"

"I am sorry," Jane said and bit down on Bella. She let go of Bella and screamed, "What did I do?!"

"You did what you should have," said Aro.

"What do you mean?"

"You are a vampire, Jane. You drink human blood."

"You have to save her! She's my best friend."

"Why? She's only a human."

Marcus stepped forward. "Brother, you need to save her."

"Why, brother?" Aro asked.

"Because they are mates."

"Are you sure, Marcus?"

"Yes," Marcus nodded.

"Well, Jane, she is your mate - you should save her," Aro said


"Bite her and release your venom."

Jane picked up Bella's limp body and bit into her neck and released her venom. Bella screamed out in pain from the burning fire going through her veins. Jane laid Bella down on her bed. "Aro, what did Marcus mean by 'mate'?"

"Well, young one, Bella is your soul mate. You are destined to be together for all of eternity."

"I've always been in love with her. Why do I feel such a strong pull to her now?" Jane asked.

"That is the mate pull. It is more noticeable now that you are a vampire," Aro explained.

''Will Bella feel it, too, when she wakes up?'' Jane asked.

"Yes," Aro replied.




The pain was excruciating. I begged to die, I could not bear it. Still, there was someone there that made the pain less painful. I did not know who it was, but that person was an angel. When I heard my heart give its last beat, I opened my eyes to my new world. Everything was so much clearer; I could see every crack on the ceiling and wall; I could see all the dust in the air. I could hear horses and the wind through the trees. It was amazing. When I got out of the bed I was hit with the most amazing smell I have ever smelled before - it smelled like lemon and vanilla and was so sweet. Jane walked through the the door and when our eyes met I felt an instant pull where my heart was. It was like my whole world revolved around her, to protect and love her my entire life. I could not take my eyes away from hers.

"Bella, are you ok?" my goddess asked.

"Yes. I feel amazing."

"Well, you certainly look great," a voice behind me said.

I spun around, crouching to the floor in front of Jane, hissing. The strange man laughed and said,

"I don't mean you or Jane any harm. I just wanted to see how the newest vampire is coming along."

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