37) Deceptive Prey Part 1

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This is a Bella/Alice/Rosalie pairing..

Rated M/ Lemons

Bella's heart hammered in her chest as she scrambled through the forest, thorny branches snatching at her clothes as she whimpered and clumsily sprinted through them, stumbling, sometimes falling but always running.

The moon barely shone through the thick, leafy canopy above this Forks maze of trees and brush. It was dark, it was terrifying. Bella's breath came short and harsh as she vaulted over a fallen log, caught her ankle on it and crashed to the ground.

"Shit, shit, shit!" she gasped, her elbow scraping on a rock as she tumbled headlong into the dirt.

Soft giggles faintly rose in the air, the wind and trees rustling as something, as someone, darted about in them.

Bella felt her heart spasm as she whipped her head around, trying to see her tormentors.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" she screamed, tearing back up as the feminine, ghostly laughter echoed louder around her.

That was part of what got Bella so frenzied, so panicked.

They weren't behind her. Whatever they were, they were always a step ahead. In front of her, beside her, at her ear, whispering obscenities, horrifying promises, riding her heels...

Bella's chest burned, her lungs ached, her legs strained in protest. Her eyes watered yet she still went on. She had never known such terror, such fear.

What were they? They followed her relentlessly...No, they were leading her somewhere. Bella was slowly beginning to realize this. She wasn't being chased...She was being herded.

Her instincts told her to get away from these...Whatever they were. They danced, unseen in front of her, giggling softly, coaxing her, whispering at her, making her tremble and change direction lest she run right into them.

Bella suddenly smashed through a particularly thick set of underbrush, yelping as she stumbled into a small clearing. She winced as she tripped, cursing furiously as she, once again, went stumbling into the unforgiving ground. Bella landed smack on her back, her head thunking painfully into the solid earth.

"Fuck," she whimpered, staring up through the break in the trees at the bright moon that finally washed her in its eerie, luminescent white glow.

"Now, that's not proper language for a lady, is it?"

Bella jerked violently, chest heaving for breath, to keep her rapidly pounding heart under control. Her eyes scanned the forest around her, her lips tightening fearfully as she searched for the owner of the ghostly, whispering voice.

"Who are you!" she cried, scrambling backwards through the dirt until she rested five feet back in the middle of the clearing. "Leave me alone, please! Just leave me alone..." she pleaded and the high, rich laughter danced around her again, driving the brunette absolutely insane.

Whatever, whoever they were, they were obviously female.

Bella trembled on the ground, wishing she could curl up in the fetal position and hide that way until these monsters went away. But she couldn't, couldn't tear her eyes from the forest as she waited, as she was watched...

She knew they were watching, too. She could feel their eyes on her and it made her stomach clench uncomfortably.

"P-please..." she breathed as the forest went curiously silent. No crickets, no soft chattering...Nothing.

The silence was deafening.

Suddenly, the leaves in front of Bella rattled and she flinched, her body pulling taut nervously.

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