16) More part II

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Part two now!!

"You left me too." I whispered and my voice cracked. "You were my best friend, the sister I never had and you left me...like I meant shit to you."

The color of Alice's eyes turned from golden to amber and finally to pitch-black. "I came back for you."

"Yes," I responded. "But if you truly cared about me, you wouldn't have left in the first place. People don't treat those they love like this."

"I'm here now." Alice whispered, sitting down next to me again. She reached out her hand to mine. So lightly that I could barely feel the low temperature of her hand, she circled her fingertip over my wrist. "I came back because I love you."

I exhaled in a low sob. "I missed you so much. Every day, I missed you. It was so easy for you to leave me behind."

Alice's hand moved higher on my arm. It was such a tender caress that I felt tingles running down under my skin. I had almost forgotten how affective Alice always was. I had missed this.

"It was far from easy." Alice said. "I could only endure it because I knew I would see you again."

"But Edward doesn't know I'm here? Alice, how could you keep this from him?"

"Always him! Always him! Can't we just talk about us? I came back for you. He didn't."

She sounded upset now. I had never seen Alice upset before. She was too much of a sunny person to be upset. "I'm glad you're here. Let me guess, Mary Brandon doesn't actually exist, right?"

"No, she's me. Well, after staying in Alaska for about a month I went to Mississippi to do some research on my human roots."

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

Alice nodded. "In a way, I did. My real name was Mary Alice Brandon. My parents had me hospitalized because of my...condition."

"You mean because of the visions? God, Alice, I'm really sorry about that."

"No need to be." Alice assured me. "It was a long time ago and I don't have any memory of it." She bent over to me and kissed my cheek. This was a new, even for Alice. My cheek felt hot and cold at the very same time.

"How do you like your new car?" she asked, playing with a wisp of my hair. "Isn't it much better than the old truck?"

"Alice," I sighed. "Don't tell that was you? Renee said, she inherited the money from an aunt."

"Well, ain't I a great aunty?" Alice giggled. "So, please tell me you like the car."

"It's a car." I stated. "I'd rather have you come back instead of tricking me into accepting gifts from you."

Alice hummed. "You're going to forgive me. I've already seen it. You're going to forgive me and then we're going to have so much fun here. This College is one of my favorite. The area offers so many hunting possibilities."

I noticed that her hand was on my knee how. Through the fabric of my jeans I could feel the chilled temperature of her fingers. Only, that her touch didn't make me feel cold. It's more like there's some sudden heat wave spreading through me.

"You heartbeat goes faster when I touch you." Alice said, petting my knee a bit firmer. "Why is that? Humans are strange creatures."

"So are vampires." I whispered, swallowing nervously. "Can you please stop touching me now? I'm cold."

Alice hushed to her bed and returned with a thick blanket. She wrapped it around me like I was toddler. "Is it better now? You humans have such complicated needs. You're always hungry or cold or in need for a bathroom."

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