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Bella/Rosalie Pairing

Rated M

Disclaimer :All things Twilight belong to Mrs. Stephenie Meyer. I just borrow her characters and make them do lovely things together.

Rosalie Lillian Hale is beautiful.

I mean really beautiful, like being on the cover of Sports Illustrated beautiful, like being the new born Venus in the Botticelli painting beautiful; just beautiful in every sense of the fucking word beautiful itself. The blond curls of her hair fall down to her rounded hips and I bet her hair feels as silky as it looks like. She's tall like a freaking supermodel but fortunately she's not as skinny as those bitches. Still she has a supermodel-like attitude that is almost too much to endure, like the way she always checks her reflection in every mirror she walks by or the fact that she's painting her fingernails instead of paying attention to our Algebra teacher's ramblings. In a way she's right. It's not like she's going to need it for whatever kind of career she's planning to start after our Senior Year is over.

The bad thing about Rosalie is that she knows that she's good-looking and it turned her into an arrogant bitch, who thinks she's better than everyone else. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if her insides were visible from the outside. Would people be scared from the ugly grimace?

I really worked hard on her liking me although she treated me like crap ever since her stepbrother Edward and I started dating four months ago. He told me just to ignore her but I didn't want to spend time in a house where someone glared at me with those sapphire blue eyes that sparkled full of hatred.

One morning I accidentally run into her in the bathroom and trust me seeing her naked didn't help me deal with the complexes I had about my body. Damn it, Rosalie's body would probably give every woman on the planet complexes. Her breasts were full and the small drops of water that were running down her collarbone made her rosy nipples pebble. My eyes followed the small trail of water as it made its way down her flat stomach until it reached the small stripe of curls between her legs. Then I realized what I was doing - staring at a girl's body like some fucking stalker who was jerking off while doing that. Jeez, what the hell was wrong with me?

"I'm sorry." I croaked out and she didn't even find it necessary to answer me verbally. She just grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body and shoved me out of the room. For a moment it looked as if tears were glistening in the corner of her eyes, but of course that couldn't be. Rosalie Lillian Hale is an ice-hearted bitch and she doesn't' cry. It would ruin the perfect makeup on her already perfect face, so it's a no-go.

Yesterday I broke up with Edward. I told him that I wanted to concentrate more on school right now. Of course it was a stupid excuse but to my immense surprise he bought it. Maybe he just wanted to believe it. If it makes things easier for him,

I'm fine with that.

The truth would have hurt his male pride, I guess and so I better kept it to myself. The real reason behind our break-up was embarrassing and because I was a hundred percent sure that it was my fault, I kept my mouth shut. The truth was that when I closed my eyes at night, it wasn't his face that appeared in front of my inner eye...

The engine of my rusty truck made a weird noise when I parked it in front of the huge Cullen house. I sighed deeply and took the small box from the passenger's seat before I walked towards the door.

This is probably the last time you'll be in this house, I thought as I knocked on the dark wooden door.

Rosalie appeared in the door frame. Her hair was twisted into a sloppy ponytail and her blue eyes were as cold as always.

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