65) Change me

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Summary: Bella is a creature of the night and has been planning on taking Alice for her life partner for some time now, but can Alice truly leave the light and turn to the dark. Forever is an awfully long time.

Rated M!

I stare at the girl on the dance floor. She is magnificent; lustrous black hair illuminated under the nightclubs strobe lighting, bright eyes wide with laughter and fun, small button nose and full lips in a secretive smile. As she is saying, "I know something that you don't," it's me who thinks this. All the people in the club around me have no idea who, or what, I am. I am invisible to them - they are too busy in the throngs of their fun and gyrating around each other on the dance floor. There are various couples moving around, dancing against each other, smiling into each other's eyes, but the girl is with friends. She dances with them intermittently, laughing with them and looking around the floor. She catches my eyes and I look away quickly. I don't want her paying much, if at all any, attention to me - not yet anyway. I have to be sure before I make my move. If she is not one who can handle it, I could not risk her exposing my kind and especially my family.

My name is Isabella. Bella to most people and am what people call a vampire. We have many names - bloodsuckers, parasites, vampires, children of the night. I suppose vampire is what best explains us. The girl on the dance floor is Alice. I have been watching her for some time. She comes here most nights yet never with a man, always with friends. Perhaps her man stays at home, but I think not. She spends so many nights in here that I reckon she is alone. I smile to myself. I don't want her to have a man. I want her to be single and available because I want her all to myself. She seems to be strong, independent and so buoyant. I think she will make the perfect vampire and mate.

I stand at the bar waiting for my drinks - not that I need one. I do not need food or water as blood sustains us. I can eat and drink human foods, but they are not a necessity for me. When my vodka, lime and soda arrives, I find Alice standing next to me shouting her order to the bartender. She has an angelic voice, soft and melodic, the voice of an angel. She looks at me and smiles shyly, secretively. I smile back at her and cannot help my smile turning into a grin. She grins back.

"Hi there," she says.


"You've been here a few times, haven't you?" she asks.

"As have you. Yes, I come here most nights. It's a good place to unwind and meet new people."

She nods, takes her drinks and walks back to her friends. I see her friends frowning and pointing in my direction. Alice looks over and waves me over. Crap! I didn't really want to be introduced to her friends. I am here for her, not her friends. I walk over, smiling gently all the way.

"Hi, my friends noticed that you were alone and thought that you might like to join us," Alice says.

"Hello, my name's Bella. Thank you for inviting me over. It can get rather boring alone." I smile softly.

"You're welcome. No one likes to be on their own in a place like this. It's good to socialize and meet new people," the blonde one says.

"That's Emily," she says to me. "Bella was just saying the same thing to me at the bar," she says to Emily.

The small talk continues and, although I am not bored, I think it is my time to leave. It is too difficult getting Alice away from her friends. I'll have to move on to the next person. However, I am sure that I will not meet anyone quite like her. She is a sight to behold - a beauty in her own right.

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