68) Seatbelt, Lust and Period

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This is a Bella/Alice

Non-italizied words are what's happening

Italiizied words are Alice's vision/ the sleep over.

This was bad. Alice sat on her bed, her legs huddled up to her chest, her body trembling. These visions couldn't be true, wouldn't come true. Never. She felt like screaming. Her whole body was on fire from the incredibly vivid vision that had just assaulted her, sending tendrils of want crushing through her body.

"NO! I won't do it!" she cried, the noise vibrating through the house. Jasper almost immediately appeared in the room, cradling his partner. "I won't do it Jazz. I won't I promise. I won't hurt her like that." she wept into Jasper's chest.

"SHHHH. It's ok. What was it? What did you see?" Jasper whispered as her rocked her back and forth.

After a few minutes, Alice finally mumbled the contents of her vision. "Everything was so strong. I could smell her blood, it was intoxicating. Worse then any of the girls at school. I couldn't control myself. I won't do that to her though. I can't do that to Ed either. What would he do?"

Jasper smirked at her last question. "I think he'll be able to deal with it. It's been torture on us all the past couple months. Hell the first couple months every girl at school was like a stake sat in front of a person who had been forced to eat only tofu for years. It'll be ok Al. We'll figure something out. I promise."

alking about something completely unrelated to vampires. They were in their pajama's; a sleep over? Bella wore a thin mint green night gown. The black lace trim laying across her pale chest in a slow sloping V. Alice's eyes fell upon Bella's chest. It rose up and down slow and steady. Alice's eyes wandered down Bella's body. The hem of the short night dress, ghosting across bare thighs, stretched out before Alice like miles of soft white silk, a faint blush rising to the surface if Bella's skin. If Alice's heart could beat it would be racing in a marathon. Alice's hand reached out.....

The next few days were utter hell. Alice had done everything possible to avoid Bella. The vision was not going to come true. She couldn't let it. Even when Alice had class with Bella, Alice would make sure she came in late so she was forced to sit on the other side of the room. However, anytime Bella looked the other way Alice would catch herself gazing over at the waif of a girl. What was it that suddenly caught her attention. Suddenly everything Bella was doing was amazingly sexy? No, not sexy. Bella was straight. Alice was straight?

Who was she kidding? Jasper and Alice hadn't had sex in months. And even when they had had sex it was always forced and uncomfortable. The pair were much happier remaining close friends in a committed relationship. It wasn't that they hadn't tried to be a happy married couple. They had tried for years. But Jasper's sexual fantasies laid in other directions and the whole idea of sex with a man had, frankly, grossed Alice out.

What made matters worse was that Bella was starting to catch on to Alice's avoidance and was creatively coming up with reasons for the two to hang out. All attempts however had been just as creatively rejected with the help of Jasper. Hang out? How was Alice supposed to hang out. The only thing she could think about was Bella. It was driving her crazy.

Alice's hand reached out and caressed the milky legs softly, suddenly caught in some spell. The room was spinning as the sweet smell of Bella filled the room. Bella let out a soft gasp as Alice's venturing hand made it's way north, but didn't stop her. Alice suddenly found herself gently laying Bella down on her bed, Bella's nightdress riding up me thighs exposing her black lace panties. Alice moved in between Bella's spread legs, her quick fingers pulling the silky dress off her friend. Bella lay beneath her...

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