33) Suitor

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Sorry guys this is not Twilight fanfic but I just have to share this.

Since they release the Adventure Time : Stakes....

I just have to post this.


Oh yeah! I watch adventure time!! Lols


Bubblegum huffed and started down at the papers she was working through. Maybe if she looked busy - which she was - the intruder would go away. Blanking them was obviously the best idea.

"Princess," The voice came again, and Peppermint Butler stepped into view, blocking the strip of light from the doorway with his diminutive build. "It's imperative that we talk."

Bubblegum let out a full blown sigh then, but didn't lift her gaze from her papers. She'd been told that she had to look over some royal documents about the Candy Kingdom's alliance with the Breakfast Kingdom - apparently the King of Ooo had neglected to trade with them during his reign, which just put added stress on her - and she figured that whatever Peppermint Butler wanted to talk about was a lot less important than her work.

(Getting the Candy Kingdom back under control was hard.)

"Can't it wait?" Bubblegum finally looked over to him, "I have some really important stuff to work on."

Peppermint Butler sighed in response. Glob, she was the one with all of the power, here. She could easily just-

No, Bonnie, Bubblegum cut that train of thought right off, he was the only one of your citizens that stuck by you after you lost power. Stop being so...tyrannical.

He cleared his throat. "M'lady, I think we should return to work on finding you a suitor."

Bubblegum rolled her eyes and then turned them back to her work. Suitors? She didn't have time for that. Braco had been a major distraction, and that was why she'd built him the Bubblegum-Bot. Romance wasn't something she was allowed to indulge in while she had a kingdom to run. Dedicating her time to both was hard. The only person who she'd ever tried to date while running a kingdom had-

No, she stopped thinking about that, not something you need on your mind.

"You know that I won't have any interest in the suitors that come to court me." Bubblegum looked to Peppermint Butler again with a sad smile. "I have no interest in finding a prince. You know that."

"It would be for the best, though," He didn't look like he planned on giving up any time soon, so Bonnibel tried to tune him out as best she could. "It could prevent someone else from taking your crown, if you had someone else to protect it."

"I do perfectly fine by myself." Bubblegum quickly retorted. "Monarchies aren't democracies. I think the candy people know that now. King of Ooo won't take power again, I can assure you of that."

He sighed again, wringing his hands together in nervous habit. "I know that you didn't like being dethroned and-"

"I never said I didn't like it. It was...peaceful, with nobody to govern." Bubblegum glanced out of her window, the little shack she'd resided in merely a dot on the horizon. "I had more freedom to do what I liked. It was nice. I could hang out with Finn and Jake more, and I got closer to Marceline again."

At the mention of Marceline, Peppermint Butler seemed surprised. "Have you seen her since last month?"

"No." Bonnibel murmured, drumming her fingers on the table. She picked up her pen again and readied it to jot her signature down. "She said she would come over after I'd settled back in. Why hasn't she come over?"

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