42) A Maid's Punishment

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Summary: Bella comes home from work early, only to find her maid waiting for seduction.

Will Tanya's punishment be sufficient?

Rating: M

Pairing: Bella/Tanya

Disclaimer: Twilight and all of it's characters are owned by Stephenie Meyer.

I rubbed my tired eyes and pushed back from my desk. It had been a long day and I was so ready to leave work. Hopefully, Teddy would be waiting at home by the time I arrived.

Smiling, I glanced over at our wedding picture, taken just under a year ago. Grass green eyes stared back at me, bringing forth a surge of love and adoration. I was extremely thankful to have found Teddy Cullen. Not many people actually find their soul mate, but I had literally stumbled into mine during high school. We had danced around each other for years, before finally admitting our feelings for each other in college. We had been inseparable since.

Flipping the intercom switch, I let my assistant, Angela, know that I was done for the day. Standing swiftly, I pulled on the dark blue suit jacket that matched my demure pencil skirt and picked up my briefcase. I tossed my reading glasses in on a whim, knowing that Teddy enjoyed them paired with the business attire. I laughed as I recalled the "Sexy Librarian" fantasy that we had talked about a few weeks ago.

Today was Friday and we were finally both home for the weekend, so I was looking forward to a little fun. Too many days had been spent alone while my love worked as a 4th year resident at Seattle Mercy Hospital. But, it was worth it in the long run. My father-in-law owned his own practice and Teddy was all set to join him once residency was complete. I was looking forward to a fairly regular schedule and being able to raise a family together.

After opening the door to our modest two-story house, I dropped my keys and purse on the side table, before following a noise coming from my study. Our housekeeper, a stunning strawberry blonde, was dressed in a very slutty maid outfit and bent over my desk, sifting though the contents of a brown box.

"Tanya?" I called out incredulously. "What the hell are you wearing?"

Tanya popped up, her face a mask of shock and fear. "M-M-Mrs. Cullen, I wasn't expecting you home so soon."

Striding purposefully over to the box, I turned one of the flaps only to see my name and address etched on the label.

"You opened my mail? What has gotten into you?" I growled angrily. I shoved the flap back violently, causing the box to jostle and fall to the floor, spilling its contents at our feet. My cheeks burned slightly in embarrassment as I saw a few bottles of lube, my new purple Rabbit vibrator and some various other sex toys that I had been waiting for.

I looked up to find Tanya looking slightly smug and I narrowed my eyes at her. My fury must have been clearly evident because her eyes widened in fear and the smirk fell from her lips.

"Mrs. Cullen, I am so sorry," she simpered. "Let me clean this up for you."

She bent over and I was presented with her bare ass in plain view. Not only was she dressed sluttily, she was wearing no underwear. Suddenly, things fell into place. Swiftly, I grabbed her by the silk strands of her hair, causing her to lose her footing and fall to her knees. I was merely five feet four and the girl had at least a five inch height advantage over me, so even with her kneeling, her face was almost eye-level with my chest. I jerked her head towards me and her face was a mix of surprise and anger.

"You little whore. You were planning on seducing my husband while I worked late, weren't you?" I spat out acidly.

A variety of emotions crossed her face; shock, regret, shame. She attempted to lower her teary eyes, but I still held her hair tightly in my hand.

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