19) Made for you

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. Twilight is owned by SM and Universal owns the rights to Bride of Frankenstein.

This a Bella/Esme fanfic
Smut/lemon Alert!! Enjoy


I learned long ago to embrace being a vampire and was thankful that Carlisle had saved me after my ill-fated suicide attempt; but sometimes living in a house with three happily mated couples was almost too much to bear. While Carlisle and Rosalie, Alice and Jasper, or Emmett and Edward went out of their way to make me uncomfortable, there were times when it felt like they'd be better off without me hanging around. That was why I opened an interior design firm, to keep myself distracted and out of the house.

It was while out looking for furniture for a client's home that my life changed completely. In a hole-in-the-wall showroom for a local craftsman that specialized in custom wood pieces, I met Bella Swan. Ironically, the two of us were both admiring the California King sized bed made from darkly varnished teak. Her brown hair with natural red highlights and her chocolate colored eyes contrasted perfectly with her alabaster skin. The younger woman's beauty dazzled me momentarily, which allowed her to almost snake the bed out from under me.

As soon as I realized what was about to happen, I offered the artisan double his asking price. Bella laughed and accepted the loss gracefully. While the delivery arrangements were being made, the two of us fell into casual conversation. I learned the Bella had recently moved to the area and was in the process of house hunting. She currently lived at a small motel on the outskirts of Port Angeles. She had needed to go meet with her real estate agent, so she said goodbye after I handed her one of my business cards. With a sense of profound loss and sadness, I watched her go.

Everyday for the next month, Bella Swan haunted my daydreams. I had been working late when I heard the door to my reception area open and close. Bella was looking at some of the mock ups of the rooms I'd designed by the time I walked out of my office. She spun around to face me when she'd heard my approach. Before I could reach her, the brunette was across the room and had me pinned to the wall. Electricity and heat licked their way through my body as her lips hungrily devoured mine in a kiss that left me both dizzy and aroused.

"I've been dreaming about doing that for the past month," she purred in my ear after she broke the kiss.

"Me too," I whispered back dreamily, a smile on my face.

"Normally I try to stay away from vampires, even vegetarian ones, but for some reason I just can't stay away from you. You've become a vital part of my continued existence," Bella commented in a contemplative tone and waited for my reaction to her revelation.

I just stood there in shock for a few minutes as my brain processed what young woman had just said. Three things were abundantly clear as I worked through my shock: first, Bella knew about vampires and that I was one. Second, she wasn't frightened by that knowledge but was interested in me, instead. Then third, I was head-over-heels in love with her.

That had been six months ago and our relationship was going strong. In fact, we were curled up in the same bed that the two of us had been interested in at first meeting. After I'd watched Bella leave that day, I changed my mind about what I was going to do with the client's space and had the bed delivered to my family's home, instead. Bella still hadn't met the rest of the family and seemed very reluctant to do so. The only time she ever came by the house was when everyone else was gone.

The still sleeping human snuggled closer to me, for once our night of passion had worn Bella out. Her eyes fluttered open and for just a second, I'd sworn they'd flashed blue but before I could've been certain, chocolate eyes gazed lustily at me. When it came to sex, the two of us were worse than Emmett and Edward or Carlisle and Rosalie. It still amazed me the amount of stamina that the human had. Last night, I'd spent several hours making her scream my name. It looked like it was my turn to do the screaming now.

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