28) Riptide part2

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Isabella hummed as she moved around in her kitchen while preparing breakfast. She was playing it safe by making her signature french toast in hopes that Rosalie would like it.

Rosalie, Isabella thought. God, she's so beautiful.

Isabella had certainly never met someone like her, and it wasn't because of her looks-although that had to do a lot with it-it was the poise with which Rosalie carried herself. From the way she spoke, one could clearly note she was well educated, yet that didn't seem to be something Rosalie liked to flaunt. From the first encounter over the phone they'd had, Isabella had been able to deduce what Rosalie was like, but she had never expected her to be as stunning as she was.

Rosalie's long, blonde hair framed the most intense grey eyes Isabella had ever seen, and her bright smile lit up any room she was in. That gave Isabella the desire to make her laugh as much as possible, just as long as she could see it.

It hadn't crossed Isabella's mind to do a Google search on her, despite the fact it was something very common nowadays. Although, now that they'd actually met in person, that had changed. Isabella was truly fascinated by Rosalie, and she wanted to know everything she could about her.

"Good morning," Rosalie greeted upon entering the kitchen, causing Isabella to return to the present.

She turned around and smiled at Rosalie. "Hi, good morning," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Go ahead and take a seat at the table; I'm almost done here."

"Are you sure?" Rosalie asked. "I could help you to serve if you'd like."

"Thanks, but I'm used to it," Isabella said, looking down at the plate of French toast that she was garnishing with powdered sugar and berries. "It's actually kind of my routine."

"Oh, okay," Rosalie said quickly. "I'll just go ahead and take a seat, then."

Isabella looked up, and grinned at her once again. "Thanks, I'll be there in a minute."

Rosalie walked over to the table as Isabella grabbed the pot of coffee she'd brewed earlier.

"Would you like some coffee?" Isabella offered, walking over to her.

"Yes!" Rosalie begged. "I stayed up all night writing, so I'll take the largest cup you have, please."

Isabella chuckled. "Authors really do that?"

"What? Pull all-nighters writing?" Rosalie nodded. "All the time, especially around deadlines-they're the devil."

"You'll have to tell me about all those things someday if you have the chance," Isabella told her as she served Rosalie her coffee. "Well, if you don't mind, that is."

Rosalie waved her off. "Oh, not at all, but trust me, it's not as interesting as it seems."

"I'd still like to learn about it one day." Isabella shrugged, returning to the kitchen for their plates. "What mostly intrigues me, though, is where you get all the words to write out beautiful stories."

Putting down the coffee she was sipping, Rosalie said, "It varies for different authors, but I can tell you that in my case, being inspired by something or someone helps a lot."

"And what inspired you?" Isabella asked as she took her seat across from Rosalie.

Rosalie looked down as she placed her napkin on her lap. When she looked up again, she replied, "The hydrangeas that are in the bathroom." Rosalie grinned. "They're truly beautiful, Bella; thank you for putting them there."

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