69) Trully Love

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"Edward, you can't do this! You've seen what will happen if you!" Alice screams at her brother.

"She isn't safe with us around. Jasper almost killed her, and what about last year? Doesn't her safety mean anything to you?" Edward asks solemnly turning to face Alice.

"Of course it does. I just don't think she will be any better off if we leave. You know that she will go and hang out with those mutts on the reservation, and they will put her in more danger than she already is in. Face it, Edward; she is a danger magnate, whether you're here or not." Alice says stepping forward and putting a hand on her brother's shoulder. He angrily shakes it off.

"No. You don't want us to leave because you are in love with her." He snarls. "You've always loved her, did you happen to forget that I can read minds. I saw what you saw. I know what she will be like and we are still leaving." Edward finishes a growl emitting from deep within his chest. Alice stares at him unblinkingly, mouth slightly agape.

"You've seen what it will do to her, and you're still going to leave? What is wrong with you, Edward, that you would break both of your hearts, just to pretend that she will be better off without us?" Alice asks bewildered.

"She loves you damn it!" Edward yells harshly and Alice flinches back. "Do you really not see the way she looks at you? It's your name she whispers as she sleeps, not mine. My heart is already broken." Edward finishes softly, voice breaking. Alice places a hand on his cheek and lifts his head.

"I am so sorry Edward. I had every intention of letting you two be together, really I did. I didn't know." Alice says softly looking into his eyes. Edward releases a heavy sigh.

"Which is why I should leave. She isn't happy with me anymore. I can see it in her eyes; she just doesn't want to hurt anyone, so she stays silent. You aren't happy either, everyone knows that you love her," he pauses and chuckles without humor, "except for her." He grasps Alice's hand and cradles it in his own. "It is because you were going to let me have her is why I should bow out gracefully while I can. She'll be hurt, yes, but she will be happier with you than she ever would be with me." He smiles, sincerely this time, and kisses her cheek. "If I were to be honest with myself, I'm not entirely in love with her either. I think I was, for a little while anyway, but I was more in love with the fact that I could share my secret with someone, and because I wasn't alone anymore." Alice shakes her head and goes to speak, but Edward interrupts. "I was alone, Carlisle has Esme, Emmett has Rosalie, and Jasper had you, although I now know that he didn't, you and Jasper are as lonely as I am." Another smile adorns his face, "but that can change for you. You can make Bella, and yourself, happy."

"Answer one question. Why were you going to have us all leave? Don't you know how much we all love her? Even Rosalie has become attached." Alice asks confusion coloring her tone.

"It was a very selfish move of me, and I regret even thinking of it, but I was jealous, and sad, at how happy you made her, I couldn't do that and I didn't want you to be happy if I couldn't be." Edward whispers, regret evident on his features. "Like I said, I am more of a monster to think these things, and almost act on them, than I ever will be by being a vampire." Edward turns and hangs his head in shame. Alice steps sideways to face him.

"Thinking these things doesn't make you a monster, the fact that you are letting me be with Bella proves otherwise. You are no monster, Edward." Edward looks at Alice and smiles a small smile. He kisses her forehead.

"Thank you, Alice. Now, I do believe I have to go break up with my girlfriend, so that my sister can have her," he shakes his head, "this is so odd. Take care of her, Alice. I am going to go to Alaska for a few days, but, I promise, I will be back."

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