44) Always Part 2

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Bella POV

"Come on Bella! Let's go!" Edward yelled from the hallway. He was making me go out drinking.

I haven't been out drinking since her.



And it's my fault.

I let Rose pull away, I didn't reassure her that I was her's only. I thought it was cute to see her get jealous. But I was wrong, because I found out it was tearing her apart.

Rose is the love of my life and she's gone.

Alice repeatedly yelled at me for it ending. "Are you fucking nuts!? That woman loves you, you're a god damn idiot to not tell her to fight for you!" Alice had yelled at me when I first told her about the breakup.

My hip tattoo reminds me of the pain of loosing my lover all the time.

It's just a simple rose with vines coming out of it. It's beautiful like Rose, but it hurts to think of either of them.

Being in England was no help either. Edward tagged along cause he's my CFO. I can't blame him for not trying to cheer me up cause he did try to cheer me up but it didn't work. Not even the beauty of London could cure my broken heart. The sleepless nights either.

Edward wanted to be more than just friends but I turned him down and he thankfully met his current fiancée Tanya Denali. So there was zero weirdness. They're great together. He's moving to London to be with her next week, that's why we're celebrating tonight.

But there was Kate, who tried to sleep with me, but I didn't. Instead I fired her.

I didn't want anyone except Rose. I still don't.

And now all I want to be doing is binge watching Orange is the New Black, but he made me other plans.

"I'm ready, jesus you would think we're going to meet the fucking queen!" I shouted.

I walked out of my bedroom to see Edward sitting on my couch flicking through the stations, when he heard my heels her turned around.

"You look beautiful." He said with a smile.

I has my classic blue flannel shirt on, with a loose black tank. I had on my standard jewelry, my brother Emmett's dog tags from when he served in the army two years ago. I had dark blue skinny jeans and ankle boots on, with a slight heel. My makeup was simple and my hair was naturally wavy, and I left my glasses and instead put on my contacts. Incase I broke them walking home drunk later.

I smiled back, "Thanks, you ready?"

He nodded.

So then we were on our way.

Sitting on the N train I asked, "Where are we going again?"

He looked at me, "Umm, the usual place."

I blanched.

The usual place was code for Rose and I's place.


I hope I can survive tonight.

Please memories don't come crashing back.

Entering the bar I saw her. She was listening to the bartender, one might think that she was flirting but she was looking for an escape route out of the conversation. Rose would never go for guys. I wish I was that escape. She was nursing a Jack and Coke. Her favorite.

Bella's Babeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें