48) Blind Date Part 1

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Yo! Another story.
This is Bella/Tanya Pairing

A/N: Disclaimer: All rights to Twilight belong to SM. Your comments, reviews, and or questions are always welcome.


Being used as a psychotic vampire's chew toy isn't as fun as the supernatural romance novels out there claim it is, mainly because where there is one rabid monster there is another waiting in the wings to finish the job. I didn't even make it out of the hospital in Phoenix before Victoria showed up and tried to make a midnight snack out of my throat.

That was a mess. It was a suicide mission and she knew it. The Cullens never left the hospital. There was always two of them hanging around either in my room, out in the hall, or down in the waiting area when it came time for me to be examined or during potty time for Bella. As is my luck, her attack coincided during the latter. What exactly are you supposed to do when you're sitting on the toilet in one of those lame hospital frocks with your panties around your ankles? There wasn't anywhere to run. I couldn't scream, because if I did then nurses or orderlies would become collateral damage.

I think I confused her with my mild panic attack at first and then quiet acceptance after. I was tired, tripped out on painkillers, and frankly the idea of checking out was appealing. Morphine makes you do some really freaky things to your mind; I highly recommend you avoid it if at all possible.

At least she let me put on a robe before leaping from the third story window with me in tow. Edward and Emmett were close behind, but not really close enough. Victoria's knew she could have her life or her revenge, but not both. Guess which one won out?

That was ten years ago - well, ten and a couple of months.

These days I was living in Seattle for the most part. I still looked like a teenager even though technically I was twenty-six. Victoria's venom filled me out a little, fluffed up my previously dark and stringy hair, and aged me about a year if I'm being generous. What I'm trying to say is that I looked healthy for the first time in a handful of years, which is saying something since my heart stopped beating so long ago.

A few months spent with the Cullens brought nothing but heartache. Charlie was shot in the line of duty by a meth addict. Jacob and the rest of the Quileutes banished me from the reservation. I later came to find out they were a bunch of wolves. I don't know why I was surprised; vampires existed, why not werewolves? Edward and I were never the same. There was too much pain involved in our relationship; especially since it turns out we were never mates. That was a depressing conversation.

Alice took Charlie's insurance money left over from after all the bills were paid and turned it into a tidy sum. She still tinkers with it to this day. One moment I'm worth about a half-million dollars and the next there's five point three million in my portfolio. By the fifth anniversary of being bitten by Victoria I was worth a little over seventeen million. Today it's edging on twenty-three because of my writing. Alice called it her penance for encouraging Edward and me; I called it guilt money, and it's not like she had to work really hard to accomplish it anyway; see vision of lucrative IPO, invest, reap rewards, sell stock, and deposit it in my account. The whole process probably took an hour of actual work at human speed.

I tried the vegetarian way; I really did, but I couldn't do it. The taste was simply horrible. It's difficult to eat when you're constantly gagging and wasting half your meal from stomach convulsions. Carlisle eventually found a compromise. Once every three months I had a delivery of bagged blood, the aged stuff that hospitals and donation centers can't hold onto anymore because of Federal regulations. Who would have thought that so much blood was going to waste? Old blood or new made no difference in the taste, just as long as it was human. I thought it tasted even better cold. Maybe it's because I used to love a good iced Frappuccino. Needless to say, my eyes are crimson colored.

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