89) Pumpkin, Glass Slippers Part III

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Part III Everyone.
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"I'm too late," Tanya cried, staring down at the ground in defeat. Something sparkled further down on the stairs and caught her attention. Stepping down the stairs, Tanya bent down and found that it was one of Isabella's crystal slippers. "I will find you my love," Tanya murmured, staring determinedly after the disappearing carriage.

No One's POV

Bella got halfway home before the magic carriage started disappearing. The brunette quickly fled the vehicle and watched as the golden carriage, horses and coachmen quickly turned into a pumpkin and a few field mice. She smiled as the mice started to eat the remnants of the pumpkin before turning to look at the road ahead of her. Hesitantly taking a step, Bella finally noticed that she had lost a shoe somewhere along the way. "At least I still have one," she murmured, leaning down to pull off the remaining slipper. Holding her dress up, Bella hiked the remaining few miles to her house.

The brunette rushed into the manor and realized she had nowhere to hide her ball costume. "What am I going to do with this stuff?" She puzzled, "I don't exactly have a closet where I can hide them..." Pausing for a moment, Bella remembered something that her father told her. Hurrying into the kitchen, the brunette counted the rows and columns of bricks above the hearth until she found the right one. Bella dug out the mortar around the brick, and removed it. "A hollow brick," she murmured, examining the opening in the brick. She turned and shook the brick over her hand and a key fell out of the opening. "A key," she whispered, "A key to his room!"

Dashing out of the kitchen, Bella made her way to the top floor where her father's study was located and shakily inserted the key into the lock. The brunette released a cry of victory as well as a sob of relief when the key turned stiffly in the lock and the door clicked open. She hesitantly opened the door and entered a room that has been closed to her for nearly ten years. Bella reverently ran her fingers over the soft leather of her father's desk chair, removing layers of dust. She noticed a letter addressed to her on top of her father's desk and quickly opened the piece of paper.

Dear Isabella,

If you have found this letter, then that means that you have remembered about the key I've hidden in the hearth and retrieved it. I hope that I am still away on business instead of something more tragic, and even then I am sorry for leaving you. Hopefully you have found some solace in your Stepmother and Stepsisters.

Many people criticized me for keeping all of your mother's things, thinking that I had not moved on, but really I was keeping them for one purpose, to give them to you when you had grown. In the closet you'll find her favorite clothes and things, along with her jewelry box. Use the jewelry and dresses for dates with future suitors, who I'm hoping to meet at some point. On that note, I chose to marry your mother for love, it would be hypocritical for me to ask you to marry for any less.

Love, Your Father.

Bella sniffed and quickly wiped away the tears that gently made their way down her cheeks. Opening the closet in the room, Bella found everything exactly where her father said they were in his letter. She gently peeled off the golden dress and placed it in the closet and also placed the mask in her mother's jewelry box. As she was taking it off, the brunette noticed the tiny transparent gems, mostly likely diamonds, decorating the mask around the eyes. "Kate really went all out didn't she?" Bella murmured, delicately brushing her fingertips over the gems.

"Got to stop reminiscing, they're only going to be gone for another hour or so," Bella said, quickly placing the mask down and fleeing the room in her undergarments. She found the dress she had been wearing folded up on top of her other things in the kitchen. Slipping it over her head, Bella rolled out her straw mat in front of the fireplace and drifted off to sleep.

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