6)Finding Family Part II

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She hugged everyone, and after an extremely emotional goodbye she walked toward to door and picked up the small bag of essentials she packed earlier. Before she left to turned and spoke one last time. "I will be back one day, I promise". After receiving a smile of everyone she turned and left, running through the woods.


70 years later.

Alice loved clothes, if they were stylish she have them, she daydreamed about clothes, well clothes and Jasper, but when she got her newest vision, clothes were the furthest thing from her mind. Her high pitched exited squeal was heard throughout the house, gathering everyone's attention. One by one they sped into the room.

"What is is?"


"What's up?"

Alice was beaming, jumping up and down, practically bouncing, "Esme's coming home!".

This brought grins to everyone's faces. Victoria spoke first, "Do you know when she'll be here?"

Alice nodded, still grinning. "In 3 minutes, she's running..", her grin faded.

"What is it darlin'?" asked Jasper.

Alice sighed, "I think she's alone.."

Rosalie finished her sentence, "..which means she didn't find her mate".

Before anyone else could say anything they heard footsteps and one by one made their way outside. They all smiled when Esme came into view looking as graceful as every. She'd changed, that much they saw. Especially her style, which Alice and Rosalie both loved. Esme was wearing black skinny jeans with black stiletto pumps, a simple blue v-neck t shirt and a black leather jacket. Her amber eyes stood out, and she looked mesmerizing.

"Hey guys" she whispered unable her stop her smile.

Emmett broke out of his daze first, immediately speeding forward to wrap her in a bear hug. Needless to say it was lucky she didn't need to breathe. "Mom" he whispered. She hugged him back tightly til they were both ready to let go. When they finally pulled apart she caressed his cheek in a loving motherly way and smiled. One by one she hugged each of her 'children', and gave a brief hug to Carlisle before turning to Victoria.

She smiled, "Its nice to meet you again".

Victoria grinned, "You too".

"Love the outfit", both Alice and Rosalie said at the same time, bringing a chuckle from everyone. Esme grinned, "You'll have Isabella to thank for that".

Edward frowned, "Isabella?"

Still smiling Esme took a step back so she could see everyone, "Yes Isabella, but she hates being called that, so you'd best only call her Bella".

Rosalie spoke up this time, "I'm sorry? Whose Bella?" she asked making sure she did as Esme asked.

Esme suddenly got a nervous look on her face which suddenly changed to one of mischief. She quickly spun to her right and then tumbled back as if knocked by some invisible force. She rolled around quickly gathering the upper hand and the 'empty' space she was straddling was suddenly occupied by a girl. Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Aww c'mon", the girl moaned. "There's no way you sensed me, what the hell?!"

Removing her hands from the girls wrists to sit up, still straddling her, she moved her hands to rest on the girls toned stomach. "While I couldn't see you, smell you, or hear you, the area around you where your shield was didn't smell of anything, no forest, no nothing".

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