41) Sisters Desire

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Hola!!! This is a Bella/Kate/Tanya Pairing

Summary: When on the run from James Alice takes them to Tanya's clan where Tanya Kate and Bella sleep together and unlike Edward has no reason not to change her to vamp thus stopping James...

Rated M


Bella's POV

I awoke as the car came to a stop. "Where are we?" I mumbled, viewing the large house, not much smaller than the Cullen's and covered in glistening white snow, through squinted eyes.

"We're at the Denali's," Alice's voice responded from the front seat. "They are our cousins, we can hide here." She explained.

I nodded sleepily and my door opened. "You brought a human here?" A voice like tinkling bells asked and I looked up to see a pale skinned blonde haired beauty before me. Her eyes were as golden as her hair and her pale pink lips were soft and inviting. She smelled like liquid gold, or how I would imagine liquid gold to smell, which was oddly sweet. I wanted to fall into her arms and melt into her embrace but I sat frozen in shock at her beauty. "You have a lot to explain dear cousin." Her beautiful words brought me out of my thoughts and I blinked a few times to assure myself this was real.

"Hi," I mumbled, my hand lifting up to wave timidly at her. "Bella," I squeezed the word out feeling completely stupid.

"Hello little human," she greeted me with the most luscious smile. "I'm Tanya, now I would invite you inside but I'm afraid we have a human drinker in our company today."

"What?" I heard Alice's shocked voice exclaim. "Who? When?"

"It's Laurent," Jasper spoke but my eyes were still on the beautiful woman in front of me, not the couple behind me.

"He arrived last night." My golden angel spoke. "He says that Carlisle sent him, he is interested in our ways." The beautiful creature explained, her attention on the other two vampires.

"While he may be curious," Jasper spoke again, it was odd to hear him speak as he had been very quiet when we met. "Laurent would never join our ways, he has neither the patience nor the restraint required and he enjoys the hunt far too much to give it up."

"To be fair Jasper," she spoke again, the most beautiful creature in all the world. "You did not have the required restraint until your Alice taught it to you. Perhaps young Irina can do for him what Alice has for you?"

"Laurent has mated with Irina?" He asked in shock but still I did not turn my head, I would not dare miss a second of her beauty.

"Not yet," Tanya answered. "But he is out hunting with her now, I doubt it shall be long until they are mated."

"Well Laurent may have told you about his coven mate James," Alice began.

"Ex coven mate," my beauty corrected. "And yes he did."

"Well James is hunting Bella," Alice informed her and her beautiful eyes widened, her long thin lashes moving aside to expose the shiny white pearl adorned with a gold cornea and a pitch black pupil.

"Well best bring her inside then," Tanya insisted, moving aside and allowing me to step out of the car. My legs were shaky as I slowly placed my weight on them, my knees were weak and all I could think was her. "Irina will have to distract Laurent enough to keep him from giving into temptation." She leaned in close and closed her eyes, inhaling my scent. "And what a temptation you are my sweet." Her voice dropped to be low and husky.

"Bella is Edward's mate," Alice announced and Tanya's face fell. I wanted to take back the girl's words and make this beauty smile again, but she was right, I was with Edward.

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