Chapter Eighteen

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The past few days went in a jiffy! Maseeha decided it was time to reconnect with Allah so she joined madressa again and I tagged along. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. There was so much I didn't know. Did you know whoever recites Ayat Al- Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between
him and Jannah except death.

The challenges were finally over and yes we won :D I just couldn't help but rubbing it in Uz's face :P

Rameez and I also visited Aunty Rookaya and Uncle Junaid. They were over the moon in seeing us. To be honest I felt as happy to see them. Aunty Rookaya was always a mother figure to me. We both had tears in our eyes when we sat down to talk.

And Oh My Allah!! Lil Nuha was just to adorable. She looked exactly like Mas! Mas was a completely different person around her. Uz said he could sense that Mas was starting to accept Nuha! I was happy for her.

Everything seemed to be falling in place yet a part of me was disturbed.
I looked over at Rameez and Mas playing with lil Nuha and I couldn't help think if I came in between this two. They looked so happy together.

Get a grip D! What the hell is wrong with you? Rameez is your husband!

I tried erasing those words but it stuck to me 'Rameez told Mas that he liked her ' Did he still like her? But he said he loved me. Mas did tell me that she was over was just an silly infatuation but why was I feeling like this?

I could feel Rameez drifting apart ever since he and Maseeha made peace. He ignored me, spent most of his time with her and gave me all type of excuses when I asked him if he would want to hang out with me.

Two nights ago I messaged him to ask if he would like to go out for coffee but he refused saying that he had to study. So I asked the girls and on the way to the cafe Fatima pointed out to me Rameez and Maseeha having ice-cream together. He lied to me and I was hurt.

Till now I didn't confront him. I don't know why. Maybe I was afraid of his answer? Maybe I was just imagining? Maybe Mas was helping him study? I wish all these maybe's had answers.

Uzair brought me out of my thoughts by throwing Nuha's soft toy at me. I looked over at him and he asked me what's wrong? I shrugged and gave him a small smile.

Sensing my discomfort he looked over at where my gaze was fixed at for half the night....Rameez and Maseeha. He immediately stood up and walked over to them.

Oh boy!

'It's my turn now.' He said as he picked up Nuha.

'Isn't it Nu? We play with ball now? He asked a smiley Nuha.

He looked over at Rameez and said 'dude I think you should be with your wife.' Emphasising on the word wife.

Maseeha looked over at me and gave me a guilty smile. Was it that obvious? 'Yeah Brother... and please excuse me I have to study for tomorrow's test. So see ya, huh?' She said and walked over to me.

She gave me a hug and whispered 'I'm sorry Mads! I got a bit carried away.'

I replied with a small smile and nervously looked at Rameez who was standing by my side now smirking.

'Someone's jealous , huh?'

I ignored him and looked over at Uzair. 'Uz imma go now okay? See you at school.'

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