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Rio came back that day tired. He knocked on our door just to tell us he was home, and we didn't hear anything from him the rest of the night. I was getting homesick. I missed Frances and the house. Our gardener was feeding the turtles. Kurt was out a lot, I wanted to go outside but the trip, our honeymoon, was ruined. I stayed in bed and only ate when forced. River was getting worried but was too busy with the movie to help me. I sat outside overlooking Paris, having no clue where Kurt was.

Plummeting to the sidewalks 6 stories lower seemed like a great idea at the time. I sat behind the high metal railing as it was a jail. I heard the door to the room open and what I assumed to be Kurt step in. He saw me outside and came to check on me. I hadn't been out of bed, and it was unusual. 
"Where have you been?" I asked coldly.
"Actually I was trying to find a gift for you." He said.
"You can't buy my trust back." I said. He nodded.
"I know."  He sighed.
"Kurt?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yeah baby?" He said.
"I wanna die." I said. He looked over at me worriedly and then scooped me up in his arms.

He brought me inside and shut the door. When we were settled we finally started talking again.
"Why?" He asked.
"I just feel like it would be better if I did." I said.
"You could be single, fuck as many girls as you want. Rio wouldn't have any distractions." I said quietly.
"Do you feel that way because of me?" He asked.
"Not you exclusively." I tried to stay calm.
"Is our baby mine?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" I said.
"You can't feel the baby's heartbeat until they're six weeks old. And you got morning sickness really early." He said.
"And I don't believe you." He said sadly.

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